
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sometimes It's Okay To Can't

Sunday was not a good day for me.  I thought I had a good night's sleep but woke up at 8 a.m. EXTREMELY SICK.  Out of nowhere sick.  CAN'T keep anything down and CAN'T stay out the  restroom sick.  And CAN'T keep my eyes open in between being sick so I slept until almost 4 p.m. when I wasn't being sick.  During my coherent moments I was actually thinking about my Monday blog post and I realized that it is okay sometimes to CAN'T.  My body was telling me it CAN'T do all the outside chores I needed to do so I gave in to my CAN'T and took care of ME instead.

To the people that know me well enough, they know I would be that chicken that WOULD fly despite everyone around me saying chicken's CAN'T fly.  But then there are times when I will give in to the CAN'Ts in my life because I need to.  I CAN'T go to my regional SCBWI conference this fall because I simply don't have the financial means.  But that doesn't mean I give up my dream of writing.  I will find ways around this and go in search of lessons to learn what I might have learned there.  

I CAN'T hope to polish my writing without the help of critique groups and professional groups like Rate Your Story.  I must give in to the CAN'Ts and allow others to show me where my work needs improving.  It's okay to say I CAN'T do it without you and seek out the wisdom of those who have come before me.  

But there is one thing that I CAN'T ever forget...and Wil Smith from the movie The Pursuit of Happiness says it best...


  1. Some days are CAN'Ts and you CAN'T let them get you down.

    Talk about dreams...we went to the circus today and I talked to the woman giving the camel rides. She had on extreme makeup so I knew she was also in the show. I asked her what act was hers and she said the trained dogs. This was a woman from Massachusetts whose father was a Principal and her siblings all teachers. "But I always dreamed of being in the circus," she said. And she IS. This is her 20th year. She didn't have dogs as a child but now she has six trained circus dogs!

    So go forth and conquer on another day. Your dream will still be there, waiting.

    1. Hi Tara! What a great story about the lady in the circus. I'm so glad she followed her own dream!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Oh! I love this blog and I also love Tara's comment. I write because I "can't" STOP, but some days, I need to know it's okay to attend to matters at hand should the world take an unexpected turn (or a hiccup!). Glad you're feeling better, Donna...I think we can ALL feel better after reading this! <3 Jodi

    1. Hi, Jodi, and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words. I too write because I can't stop the voices in my head...I tried for twenty years but it didn't work so I've finally turned my back on the fact that I CAN'T be a writer and am now telling myself that I CAN...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. It is impossible to tick every CAN box so I CAN'T see your problem. When I see a can't in my life I tend to think 'it is not the right time', it doesn't mean I can't EVER.

    I have always had a feeling I had a purpose but never knew what it was, I might never know. What path I would have liked never happened but the path I'm on currently is where I am supposed to be right now.

    Not being a critic my opinion carries no weight in circles that matter but from what I have seen of your writing I have liked and been a little jealous of your creativity. Your poem from 20 years showed the expressive qualities which compliment the imagination. But what do I know?

    I stated it in my 'spotlight' how you have a knack of putting things across and recognising what is important in amongst a plethora of information. I mentioned teacher or writers' therapist (I should have added mentor)but that would perhaps be a waste.... except to the likes of me and my ilk.

    As much as I'm NOT a literary critic, I am also not a doctor but in the village the symptons you have remind me of mild food poisoning. We used to get a lot of it with some of the things we used to eat.

    Blogging on a daily basis I have found difficult because it is hard to be detached from what is going on elsewhere. Sometimes you just need a break to take stock. It recharges the batteries and can be more productive than not taking a break.

    Get well soon

    1. Hi JP! For what it's worth...I know your's to write and keep connect with others and touch their spirits in such a way that they are glad to have spent a moment in your company...

      I'm glad you like my writing but like you, it took me quite awhile to believe that writing would be a part of my life. As far as the "mentor" or teacher or writer's've probably worn those hats and more over the years. It's in my nature to support and encourage the best of others because it gives me great joy when others reach THEIR goals in life...probably why I do so well at the martial arts school...;0)

      I tend to enjoy blogging daily but I only made a promise to myself to do this for a year...then I will see if the world still needs

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi, Susanne! Thank you for your kind thoughts. I was actually able to eat a little this evening but it didn't stay with me long...go figure...maybe tomorrow will be better...:~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Conferences and meetings are cool and there's always nice people to meet. However, you can be the best darn writer in the world from the comfort of your own home with the tips, tricks and die hard attitude.

    I hope you're feeling much, much better. Being sick helps one to appreciate the good days that we often take for granted.

    1. Hi Jeremy! Thank you for your kind words. Today is turning out to be a rough day but not as rough as yesterday so I am grateful! I agree with your idea that you can be a great writer and never having attended a conference...I guess I'm going to have to test that

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I CAN understand your can't's. Sometimes you do have to take stock and take a look at why you can't. Lately, I can't has been associated with not going to the August writer's conference in my area. My book isn't done and I want it to be ready before I torment myself. I gave myself a deadline and I'll follow that. But I have started a new project (I'm suspicious and refuse to call new projects...books...until its finished) and I'm excited about it. It's the a while that will require a lot of research and I am actually looking forward to it. So good for you for taking care of yourself! And knowing the can's from your can't's.

    1. Hi Nicole! When I think about it, I probably wouldn't have attended this conference even if I had the money. A good friend of mine gave me some insight into what the agents and editors are looking for at this conference and in all honesty my work isn't quite ready for that level yet. So I will keep learning along the way and plan hopefully for next year. Good luck with your research project...I have a MONSTER project that I would love to work on...unfortunately darn REAL LIFE keeps getting in my way...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Hope you are feeling better Donna. Because of a work Mastery test I am putting on a CAN DO attitude and attended a workshop to help me with passing the damn Thanks for your timely post.

    1. Hi Diane! Today is pretty rough going for me but at least I feel a wee bit better than yesterday. I'm crossing my fingers that you do well on your exam but in all honesty I have no doubt that you will pass with flyin colors!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. My brother has chickens and they CAN fly. They just don't fly far.He feeds them too well for that to happen. I hope you are feeling better. Damn the torpedoes and keep writing!

    1. I'd his chickens were smarter, they would fly far, far

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Donna, I just read through some of your wonderful posts and I LOVE this blog!
    There are a lot of things that you write about, that I can easily identify with. Now following. :)

    1. Hi Lily! I am thrilled that you are enjoying my posts...I try really hard to provide positive, upbeat posts to encourage the writer in all of us...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Hope you feel better tomorrow, Donna. Since today is almost gone and you still feel puny and not 100%. so my wish for you is to feel 100 percent tomorrow.

    Thanks for the can't s and the can do s. It helps me figure out why I'm going on a blogging vacation after tomorrow for the rest of the summer. I'll lurk some though. I'm sure of it. I'll also stock pile posts to go up when I can't blog so I always have one to go up no matter how I feel. :)

    1. I hope, Clar, that I didn't say anything in any of my blogs that made you decide you weren't going to blog. If you are uber busy with life, I can understand, but it would really bother me if you are stepping away from blogging...even for a short time...because of something I said...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. Have you seen this video with the author,Ray Bradbury? Very inspirational for writers, IMO. Hang in there!

    1. Hi Bri and welcome to my blog! What a lovely conversation with Ray Bradbury! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with myself and my readers!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. I have an award for you on my blog if you'd like to come check it out.

    1. Hi L.G! I am honored and created tomorrow's post around this lovely award. How kind of you to think of me!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. Hi Donna, popping in to return-visit from A-Z. Sounds like a terrible bug you got, so I hope you are now feeling much better. And I sympathise with the CAN'Ts. I have problems with giving into them sometimes as well - and the reality is you need to occasionally.

    1. Hi, Anita, and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words...I'm feel a wee bit better today and suspect it was some type of stomach bug that hopefully is over for now and tomorrow will be better all around!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  14. Hi Donna .. hope the next post says you've recovered .. that must have been a shock .. and not at all nice .. cheers Hilary

  15. Hi Hilary! I am feeling much better, thank you. Must have been some strange stomach bug...hope never to make it's acquaintance again...;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
