
Saturday, June 16, 2012

You're A Good Egg Charlie Brown

Who in the world DOESN'T like Charlie Brown?  He's a good egg.  We all route for his successes and feel the pain of his defeats.  Despite all the obstacles life throws at him, he always manages to keep going.  Holding his head up high and staying focused on the task before him.  Oh, he makes mistakes along the way, but that comes from simply being a part of the human race.  But it's HOW he handles those set backs that make me admire him.

I believe most people aren't bad eggs; they just don't seem to know how to handle the cracks that come along with being in the real world.  You know the ones.  The kind of egg who rushes to the ER with a paper cut.  The kind of egg who falls into a dark pit of despair because of a rejection letter.  The kind of egg who sees every bump in the road as a monumental fight where they can never hope to come out the victor.

Then there are those good eggs who know it takes hard work and perseverance to achieve anything in life.  A good egg realizes that underneath the rough edges of their life lie a golden egg just waiting it's chance to shine.  A good egg knows not every day will be sunny side up.  That with every bump and barrier along the way, they are getting stronger...gathering friends along the way who think they are a good egg too.

And then they are sitting on top of the world...


  1. I used to be a good egg but cracked a long time ago good job I was hard-boiled!

    1. Awwww, JP, you're STI:LL a good egg in MY book...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I love all the eggscellent puns this post has provoked. Did you know I knew Humpty-Dumpty's parents? Sam 'n Ella - I wonder how many will get that one :P

  2. Eggsactly! Well said, Donna!
    Charlie Brown is the perfect eggsample too.

    1. crack me up! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Leave some room for us scrambled eggs!

    1. Ahhhh, Janet, there's always room in the basket for another good matter whether you're scrambled or not! :0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. lol.... I can be a bit scrambled myself. other times flattened like an

    1. Hi Diane! I'm usually a sunny side up kinda gal but I've had my omelette moments as well. We eggs gotta stick together...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Forgot to mention, thank you!

    1. And thank you, JP, for being a shining example for others of strength and perseverance...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
