
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Awards Are Piling UP...

LG from WRITING OFF THE EDGE ( ) has honored me with "The Booker Award". It is given to a blog that spends 50% or more on the craft of writing or talking about books...and I certainly think I qualify for THAT on this Teaser Tuesday I will give you five of my all time favorite books but first...the rules of the award:

1.  This award is for book bloggers only.  To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books...either reading or writing about them.

2.  You must share your top five favorite books you have ever read.

3.  You must give this award to 5 other lucky book blogs you enjoy.

So here my top five:

1.  The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  How is it possible for one man to put SO MUCH emotion and spirit into a book with almost stick drawings and a few words?  I should be so lucky as to grow to have a talent like that!

2.  A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.  This story was required reading during my high school years and it left a profound love of the classics on my spirit.

3.  Silas Marner by George Eliot.  Another required reading by my high school English teacher where I would sit in his classroom and follow along as he played a record of the book for us to listen certainly added to my enjoyment of the book to be immersed in the sounds of the actor's voices.

4.  Truly...anything by Mercer Mayer.  I cut my teeth on Mercer Mayer books...I grew up with him, joined in the adventures with him, and felt a little bit better about life in general after having read his books.

5.  Mine-o-saur by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen.  Every summer I read this book to my students at my Summer Adventure Camp as it is a fun lesson in how to be nice and share with others.

and a bonus:

6.  My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza.  I absolutely LOVE this story.  I love the little piglet...his craftiness, how he outsmarts those around him and it's just a GREAT feel good book!

Now...instead of passing out this award to just a few of the wonderful book blogs I read everyday...I thought I would just ask MY readers to give me THEIR top five favorite books.  I just might find a reason to add some more cool books to my collection!


  1. You know I have such a hard time picking favorite books that AREN'T children's books.

    Of course my first two are by Roald Dahl: Charlie and his chocolate escapades. I know, I'm so predictable.

    Now I'll go back and pick my favorite book I read in 2011: Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell.

    Favorite book read this year thus far is: 11/22/63 by Stephen King.

    And the fifth book wildcard is Pillars of the Earth.

    1. Oh goodie, Tara, I don't think I've had the chance to read any of THESE books so I can add them to my list! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I remember liking Dr.Hook as a kid and there was a 'Shel Silverstein' who wrote lyrics for them. I would assume it is the same person. A little disappointed Boyhood didn't make the top 5 :(

    1. Hi JP! The Booker Award refers to published books, but does it help that Boyhood makes it to the top of "works in progress" books that I have read? ;0)

      OMG! I never realized that he wrote nearly ALL of Dr. Hook's songs (a group I enjoyed listening to in my youth) as well as A Boy Named Sue made famous by Johnny Cash (another singer I listened to in my youth due to my mother's obsessive passion on OLD country music...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White for sure. It was one of my favorite read-alouds for my 3rd and 4th graders. Another less well-known but FUN read-aloud was All the Money in the World.

    1. Hi Genevieve! I've heard of The Trumpet Of The Swan by have never read it. Who wrote All The Money In The World?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Shel. Shel. Shel. You versatile man, you. And Donna,you are versatile, too. I won't tell ANYONE (else) that you also wrote a song. At least one. Shhhh...
    JP you know you are on the list. As my mother might say, "Let's not be forgetting it".

    1. Awww, Janet, you are letting all my little secrets out of the closet...;0)

      I was actually thinking about that the other day...not an area that I am an expert in, but then again I never thought I would be writing mysteries, suspense, or fantasy

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I would like to choose five. I WISH I could choose five. But there's just no way :) For MG books maybe - Nancy Drew, Anne of Green Gables, the Little House series, the Black Stallion series, and anything by Marguerite Henry - especially Misty and King of the Wind. But for picture books and YA, totally hopeless - maybe 500 :)

    1. Hi Susanna! I have many, many more favorites as well...hence the need for another bookcase...;0)

      In MG I've read some Nancy Drew, some Little House, some Black Stallion and how could I forget about Marguerite Henry? I actually WON a copy of Misty when I was about 11 for writing an essay about being an American. Good choices! I might have to reread King of the Wind.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Hi Donna,
    Like everyone too tough to pick absolute favorites, but...
    One Hundred Years of Solitude, Garcia Marquez (I can still go 'there' in my thoughts)
    Salt, Mark Kurlansky (fantabulous writing)
    The Return of Martin Guerre, Natalie Zemon Davis (dunno exactly, but it 'sticks')
    Miss Twiggley's Tree, Dorothea Warren Fox (like comfort food, or sucking a thumb for me)
    Caps for Sale, Esphyr Slobodkina (strong picture recall from childhood)

    1. My goodness, Julie...I've read a lot of books over the years but I've never heard of those either. My "to read" list is getting longer with every comment...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
