
Sunday, May 20, 2012

News Flash!

When I began my blogging career last year, I really had no idea where this journey would lead me.  I have tried hard to entertain, amuse, and hopefully inspire some of my readers in regards to all things writing.  I love writing these posts and have come to the realization that I would like to change things up just a bit in the coming months.  Beginning in June, I will offer a variety of blog themes to maybe entice new followers to my site, but more importantly to keep providing quality posts to all the people who have been so supportive of my efforts thus far...

Sundays I am going to reserve for This & That...a mixture of poetry and/or writing quotes to inspire and uplift just when you might need it the most.  Feel free to chant any of the quotes as often as necessary in order to get the full effect of the inspirational boost!

Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays I will still attempt to inspire others with my thoughts on the writing life.  Writing is a lonely profession and hard enough without us beating ourselves up about the twists and turns on this path to publication...better to gather all the positive energy around us that we can!

During the A to Z Challenge I tried my hand at the traditional "book review". but with a little bit of a twist.  I enjoyed uncovering books with an engaging plot and passing on the news to fellow readers, so I will be continuing the tradition with Teaser Tuesdays.

At one of my other daytime jobs years ago, I attempted to increase employee moral by providing unusual tidbits from around the world on a variety of topics to amuse and astound everyone.  I discovered my friends in the writing community are interested in those types of tidbits as well,  so I will attempt to amaze and amuse you on my Wild Wednesdays!

Susanna Leonard Hill gave me the idea for this one.  I am trying to find time to work on my YA fantasy novel and she suggested maybe I needed to do installments on this blog.  I liked the idea as a way to keep me moving forward with the story so on Fridays I will attempt to tease you with the continuing saga of Lunadar:  Homeward Bound.  I'm not writing the full story on my blog because then you would never want...nor buy the book when I get it published, but hopefully I can create enough interest in what happens in Lunadar that you will tell your friends to come by every week to check out the latest installment...;0)

There you have new writing schedule...and true to my nature it is challenging and will keep me on my toes! Please give me your thoughts about what you think you might like about the new posting schedule or aren't too sure of...

And while some changes are a good thing...some things are best left alone...


  1. These changes sound great -- it'll be interesting to see how it all unfolds!

    1. Hi Beth! I'm going to try to take time this upcoming holiday weekend and plan things out a little so it will flow pretty smoothly for me...keep your fingers crossed...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Not sure I agree about reading something here and not wanting to buy the book. I know if I borrow a book from the library and enjoy reading it I will go out of my way to buy it.

    1. Hi JP! Not everyone has a compelling story which seems to flow from their fingertips like you do...;0)
      When Janet said she would be the first one in line to buy your book even after reading your blog, I would be the second and I would buy two to own and one to give away to someone I thought really needed it...but not everyone in the world thinks like us...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. LOL I'm flattered and the point is taken. I have posted the missing chapter thinking 'what the hell, the story has cost me so much blood, sweat and tears I don't really care what people think'. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

    3. Good for you, JP...what is the worst that will happen? Some people may not want to read your story? Well guess what, some people RIGHT NOW won't want to read your book for a variety of reasons and all of them have NOTHING to do with the basic value of what you are writing. I stand by what I said about that chapter and if nothing else it will create dialogue even if some people are uncomfortable with the subject matter...the truth still remains the truth and YOU, my friend, handled the matter with great sensitivity so be proud of your efforts...I AM!! ;-)

      Thank you for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I agree with jp I would still want to buy it if its that So looking forward to Fridays, and Wild Wednesday sounds cool and.... and... oh I like how it all sounds. Looking forward to June!

    1. Hi Diane! Thanks for the kind words...I hope it all turns out like I visualize it happening...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Having a schedule of posts has really motivated me to keep writing, and also discover new and interesting things!

    1. Hi Margaret and welcome to my blog! I really don't have a problem with writing daily but I think it will be lots of fun to do these themed posts...we shall see...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tara...I

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. All sounds good to me! I'm especially keen for Wednesdays and Fridays! And I love the picture at the end of this post :)

    1. Thanks Susanna! You are part of the reason why I thought about making some small changes to my blog...and in the case of Lunadar: Homeward Bound...should I get lucky enough to get it published one day I will have to include you in my dedication page...;;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. These are some great themes. Looking forward to them!

    1. Thanks, Julie! I wanted to make sure that any changes I make to my blog would still allow me to focus on my 12 X 12 PB stories...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Hi Julie! Yeah, I kinda like that idea as if I just put in a "teaser" paragraph or two each week then people will still get the general idea of the story line but I haven't decided yet if I will write to the end of the story or not...

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
