
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just Checking In

Hey there!  It's just me...checking in again!  And here you thought I might skip one day in my blogging every day since December 6th, 2011, didn't you?

Nopie!  It's just that I have a small secret to share...I'm allergic to the sun and guess where I was for 8 hours straight yesterday?  You guessed it...the Children's Festival of Reading...and while I had a blast, the downside to all the fun is that I got heat sick pretty badly and am still not recovered today.  So despite the battle scars of a bad sunburn and painful joints I'm just checking in and see how everyone's weekend is going...

In the middle of trying to get ready for the festival, I also am in the middle of having half of my house remodeled from last year's storm damage.  This isn't actually my kitchen but it gives you a good idea of how badly my kitchen and living room look right

So I look at it this way...if a repair job that was suppose to take a week and a half is now in it's FIFTH week and still not done, and I STILL manage to pull off the festival, write my May PB, keep up with my daily blog, handle my daily job AND manage to keep my sanity...then I'm doing pretty good! Just THINK what I could accomplish with my writing if that was all I got to concentrate on?  ;0)


  1. You ROCK!

    (Now take care of yourself.)

    1. Lol, Beth...thanks! I'm still hurting but on my way to to pick the winners of all those lovely prizes!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Sorry about the heat sickness, Donna. I bet your booth was a hit though. Take care...hope you're better soon.

    1. Hi Mona! I'm feeling much better now, except for the sunburn so it's okay. I will post about the festival later this week...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Diane! I wouldn't say amazing...crazy maybe? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I wasn't aware that you had any sanity. Laff, clown, laff!

    1. Lol, should know!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
