
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Power Of One

Some people are afraid of standing out in the crowd.  Of being alone.  Of being unique.  Some people don't even realize the awesome power of one...

Everybody can handle the good know the ones...the coffee is already waiting for you when you get up,  the eggs and bacon are cooked just right, and you are way ahead of meeting the deadlines you have set for yourself. Nothing but blue skies and a spring in your step as you head out to greet the day.  The power of one is within you and strong, my young Jedi warrior...

But what about those days when the dark forces seek to destroy your confidence?  What about those days when you feel like the power of one is somehow weakened by the struggles of dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life? Kinda hard to turn on that light saber when the batteries have gone dead, isn't it?

It's days like those that give me a chance to take a breath.  Just stop a moment and realize that while the world may be spinning all around me and meteors are headed in my direction,  I am not without forces of my own.  As a martial artist, I have the energy of twelve years of training to strengthen my resolve.  Perseverance is one of the tenets of TaeKwonDo that I repeat every day and it is not just a word to is a way of life.  As a writer, I have the gift I have been given to not see the world just as it is, but to see beyond into a world of endless possibilities if only I take that first step.

And as a human being, I realize the power of choice is mine alone to do with whatever I want.  I can choose to let life's disappointments get me down or I can create a way around the mountain.  I can choose to believe what others say about the power they think they have over me or I can show them differently.  I can choose to accept the path of most people where defeat is an acceptable way of dealing with what life wants to throw at you, or I can gather the invincible strength within me and simply announce to the world what the incredible power of one can do!

And if THAT doesn't do the trick...I'll just call on the Power Rangers...


  1. The pink power ranger is just as good as the others are. Oops, that just came out. You GO!

    1. Hi Janet! I personally like the purple one best but then I DO come from "royalty"...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Great post! I think people forget about the power of one. I heard about a (depressing) saying they have in Japan: "The nail that stands up, gets pounded back down into place." I am not sure if that is the exact literal translation (I do not speak Japanese fluently), it might be more like, "Nail, hammer, kill, cupcake." But something sorta close to that.


  3. Hi Mov! If that saying is real, how sad and depressing for the people of Japan to think creativity would be crushed like that so easily...

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. There is a film named the 'Power of One' which I would recommend highly.

    1. Hi JP! I will have to see if I can find it...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Julie...I try...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I personally like the color black, so, I think the black one is my fav. I will you use the Power of One!

    1. Hi Erik! I wear a lot of black, but I will let you have the black one if you let me have the purple one...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
