
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Winner's Circle

I was watching a documentary recently on the story of the legendary race horse, Seabiscuit, and his jockey.  Both man and beast overcame many obstacles during their lifetime to finally make it to the winner's circle.  While I personally think the greatest racehorse to have ever lived is Man O War,  I certainly admire Seabiscuit's heart and unshakable determination to give his all to every race he entered.


There are even some times when people make it to the winner's circle and they don't even know it yet.  I had a contest in March to try and get the word out about my booth at the Children's Festival of Reading.  Some of you were kind enough to help spread the word about this great event for children's book authors ( ) and I now get to reveal the fabulous people who made it into MY winner's circle:

SUSANNE DRAZIC wins Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul.  

PATRICIA TILTON wins You Can Write Children's Books by Tracey E Dils.  

I need Susanne and Patricia to send me their mailing addresses to my email...tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com so I can get their books in the mail.  My winners of either a creative blog post, interview, or critique on a manuscript up to 1000 words (their choice) include the following lovely people:








I need all these winners to send an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and let me know which of the three prizes you would like from me.

Thanks to everyone who gave a shout-out about this upcoming event.  The response to my requests for autographed items from children's book authors has been astounding and it couldn't have happened without you guys helping me to spread the word about this fun event coming up in May!


Speaking about the Children's Festival of Reading, I wanted to give everyone an update on the numbers regarding participants, autographed items, and other news surrounding this event.  I'm still receiving packages almost daily from wonderful authors around the country who heard about my FREE promotion of their books and wanted to get in on the fun!  As of today there is 24 authors participating, with a total of 337 autographed books and swag items to give away! THAT is incredible to me and I am overwhelmed with the generosity of this wonderful writing community.  Here is the latest list of participating authors, illustrators, and book reviewers:

Susanna Leonard Hill
Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Salina Yoon
Tammi Sauer
Keiko Kasza
Heather Newman (Illustrator)
Debbie Bernstein LaCroix
Alayne Kay Christian
Genevieve Petrillo
Nancy Smiler Levinson
Diane Dawson Hearn
Sarah Frances Hardy
Vivian Kirkland
Lisa M Cottrill-Bentley
Teagan Bentley
Jan Wade
Lori Degman
Doreen Mcgettigan
Erik (This Kid Reviews Books)
Betthany Telles
Jennifer Madison
Ann Haywood Lean
Doreen Mcgettigan
Jennifer Young

That's a lot of FREE stuff for the kiddies, but I still have room at my booth for more!  If there is any other author...or if you KNOW of any other author of picture books, middle grade, or young adult who would like to donate autographed items please, please, PLEASE tell them to email me IMMEDIATELY so they can get their items to me in time for the festival.  I will be taking pictures and blogging about the event so everyone can see the results of their participation!

I just have one last question.  What can YOU do today to bring you one step closer to that winner's circle?


  1. The image of the curling rings drew me in!

    I'm delighted to learn I've won a prize -- thank you! And congratulations to the other winners, as well.

    What I can do today to bring me closer to the winner's circle? GET TO WORK! :)

    1. Hi Beth! Congrats and just let me know which of the three you would like me to do for you...or if there is something else I can do as a way of saying thanks for your help? And I had to chuckle about your answer to my question...great response!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. What a wonderful thing you're doing! Fantastic!

    Stopping by from the A-Z Challenge! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!

    1. Hi, Pam, and welcome to my blog! It's my way of saying thanks to this wonderful writing community I now have the privilege of being a part...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. congrats to the winners. Donna, I have been trying to email you for days ever since you got hacked even sent you a face book msg. Is there still time to send you some swag items? I can send business cards and hats but it looks like my post cards and book marks won't be ready in time. it took the life out of me when you got hacked and I slowed down with getting book marks and postcards made then. I hope if I get the hats in the mail for you tomorrow you'll have them in three days. that ok? :)

    1. Hi Clar! I got your email and replied to you...have you not received my reply? Yes, yes, yes...there is still time and please don't lose heart...I will be able to promote your book...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Haven't found your email yet. but will send hats in the mail tomorrow, Monday. Many thanks.

    3. Any time...sorry for the mix up...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Hi Donna! I just sent an email to you with my snail mail addy. THANK YOU! Have a great week!

    1. Hi Susanne! Congrats, lady and thanks again for all your help!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Thank you Donna. I was more than happy to spread the word for such a worthy cause. Looks like you received a lot of feedback. Sent you my address in a FB message.

    1. Thanks again, Pat, I will be sending your book asap!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
