
Saturday, April 21, 2012

A to Z: Sanguisugent

This lovely creature looks like something that would come out of my worst nightmares.  And in a way he represents the biggest obstacle writers must face in their careers.  He has a name.  Sanguisugent ,,,which means blood sucker.  You know, whatever it is in your life that tries to suck all the time and energy away from you so there is nothing left for the writing.  Life used to be simpler.  I think the art of writing used to be simpler too.  Somewhere along the way in our quest to "do it all",  we managed to pick up this guy.  He is the gatekeeper between a productive writing life and one filled with squeezing in writing moments among all the other demands of our day.  Full time jobs, spouses, children, household chores, bills, playing taxi...sometimes know how it thousand and one obligations constantly tugging at us the minute we sit down in front of the computer.  But there's a secret to handling Mr. Sanguisugent, and I will gladly share it with you.  It's called the magic of empowerment.  Empower yourself to turn your back on him when he sneaks up on you.  Give yourself permission to take that lone hour every day just for indulge in the thing you love most.   Politely, yet firmly, say no when this blood sucker tries to make you feel guilty about pursuing your dreams.  Readers NEED writers like you to carry the torch of creating magic, so don't let the sanguisugents of this world stop you!  Remember, his bark is worse than his bite...

So Few Of Me
Written by: Peter Reynolds
Illustrated by: Peter Reynolds
Ages: 5-8
ISBN:  0763626236  
Teaser:  Leo feels overwhelmed by all the chores he must do every day.  Things like schoolwork, laundry, making something to eat, until he wishes there were more of him to get all the work done.  But a wish like that can be powerful and before Leo knows it, there are TEN of him and ten times the chaos!  Leo ends up spending as much time trying to manage all the other Leos as it took to do the actual work in the first place!  How will he tackle this new problem?  Will things ever get back to normal for Leo?


  1. Since reading The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield, I've been calling that ugly little fellow Resistance. He definitely knows how to sneak up on you when you're vulnerable. Sometimes you won't even realize it until you look at the clock and realize your page is still blank.

    Nice post!

    J.W. Alden

    1. Hi, J.W., and welcome to my blog! Time is my most precious commodity and I have very little of it to spare. I hate it when I set aside time to write and have to fight off Mr. Sanguisugent or your friend Resistance before I can get down to my writing...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. What a shocking image to run across and what a great post. Thanks for the sound advice.

    1. Hi Cindy! I agree...a shocking image but kinda cool too in a creepy science fiction movie kinda

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. This was a breath of fresh air for me. I needed the reminder that it's ok to take time for me.

    1. Hi, Wanda, and welcome to my blog! Of course it's okay to take time for you! Especially if you are a multi-tasking, blazing a trail kinda person and can hardly take a breath, much less time for writing...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. His mom thought he was handsome.

    1. Hi, Will, and welcome to my blog! are probably right, but can he get a date to the prom??? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Great post...just tweeted it to my 700+ followers. I need to save this...LOL!

    1. Hi Donna! Awwww, you honor me when you send my post out to your can I ever repay your kindness? I have not tackled the Twitter realm yet but I have a feeling it will be in my not too distant future...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I've taught myself not to feel guilty about having time to write. Enjoyed your post.

    1. Hi, Marie, and welcome to my post! I'm so proud of you! It took me forever and the actual fact that my son moved out of the house before I actually gave myself permission to come back to my writing after a 20 year

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Yuk! not a pretty sight to come However the book I can associate with.... I sometimes need more hours in a day, however I have been getting much better at it, thankgoodness! Thanks Donna

    1. Hi, Diane! I'm glad to hear that you have begun to conquer the beast! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. That bloodsucker was something I was getting to know all to well last year. I may have been his unwilling date to the prom, blinded as I was with so many things to do. But I've since pried his tentacles from my neck, learned that "No" is not a bad word and been working toward a better home, work, writing life balance ever since.

    1. Hi Angela! I love how you took my post and turned it around into your own success story!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Replies
    1. Hi and welcome to my blog! I hope you are enjoying the A to Z Challenge.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. So Few Of Me sounds like a great book. I think I'll have to make sure I read it. I've wished more than a few times that there was more than one of me, like when I can't get everything accomplished. : )

    1. Hi Susanne! I know the feeling of wanting to clone myself but I don't think the world is really ready for THAT! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
