
Sunday, April 22, 2012

A to Z: Tantivy

When I was growing up I thought of becoming a horse breeder.  Or a veterinarian.  Horses were special to me with their great beauty and awesome power rolled into one living thing. This little fellow may need some time to grow into those fast legs of his, but he has already shown me the meaning of today's word.  Tantivy means a full gallop or more appropriately for me...headlong...and that is just what I have chosen to do where my writing is concerned.  I will fully embrace my life as a writer, galloping headlong with confidence into creating my magic on page or computer screen. Even my new business cards proclaim that I am a writer and creator of new worlds.   I just have to make sure I don't trip over my own feet during the process and do a face plant...;0)

Too Big
Written by: Claire Masurel
Ilustrated by: Hanako Wakiyama
Ages: 3-8
ISBN: 10 0811820904
Teaser:  When Charlie wins a carnival game, he picks a blue and white striped dinosaur named Big Tex as his prize. That's when things start to go wrong.  Charlie wants to take Big Tex everywhere, but he's just too big!  Will Charlie have to give up his new toy?  Is there anywhere Big Tex can fit?


  1. What a gorgeous little guy he is...

    BTW, if you are on Twitter, I need your handle to follow you. ;-)

    1. Hi Donna! No, I'm not on Twitter at this kinda scares there some kind of "Twitter tutorial" out there I can look at? I also wonder if I would even have the time to keep up with it because of my already very full plate...

      What has been YOUR experience with it?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I only started this year and am hanging in there. I now have over 700 followers and I follow over 500 folks. Three tips - As you follow people add them to lists that mean something to you. You can add people to a list without "following" them (good to start using after you have built a follower base) and use the list to see their tweets. I use HootSuite to follow my two Twitter accounts (one for my erotica pen name) and have views for my lists, hashtags (the #word you see used labels/tags in blogging), any mention of me @DonnaBMcNicol and a few others. I'd go nuts without HootSuite to help me tame the tweets. That said, you will never keep up with all the tweets. You use it to gain followers who will read and retweet your tweets (for me, mostly blog posts).

    3. I appreciate the info, Donna...I think I will do some more research about Twitter before I jump on the bandwagon. While I would love to have more followers, I don't want to start something new that I can't fully commit to and let my followers down...that's just a "me" thing...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. That is the cutest picture of a horse!!

    The book sounds and looks so cute. I love the idea!

    1. Hi Sheri! Isn't he adorable? I wonder if my fascination with horses stems from the face I am part Native American? I even "ran away" from home one day when I was about 12...spent about 3 hours at a stable on the outskirts of my hometown and then the owner drove me back to my mother was visiting with a neighbor and didn't even notice I had left the front yard...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. My love-hate relationship with horses began in my 'Wanderlust' years, one incident I will mention which will appear much later in the blog goes like this...

    I worked and lived on a farm where the nearest shop was 5 miles. I had the use of a horse and was responsible for feeding and grooming of my horse and one other it shared a stable with. The horse allocated to me was a comedian. I couldn't ride and he knew I couldn't. Any time I was offguard the horse knew it and threw me off. One day he threw me into a huge muddy puddle put his face an inch from mine and whinnied.

    He was laughing at me. Many other things happened which I have written about and in an odd way I came to like the horse, or perhaps just its sense of humour. It brought it home to me that sometimes we don't give animals enough credit for intelligence (and some humans too much).

    1. Hi JP! I agree...I'm pretty sure my cat is much more intelligent than I give him credit for and I tend to be surprised when seemingly intelligent human beings do incredibly dumb things...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I agree with JP,too. Even the "stupid" animals come through brilliantly. Tantivy. Sounds like what a parent goes into when a kid has a tantrum.
      I do a lot of crosswords and I can't wait for this one to come up.

    3. Lol, Janet, I KNOW I will never forget this word now that I have that lovely visual in my head! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Ahhhhhh...LOVE the word and the image!!!

    1. Hi Sheri! I wish I could take that little fellow home with me but I'm sure my cat would get jealous of the attention! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. This was so cute I just had to share it on my BLOG too.

    1. Thank you, Sheri, for sharing today's post. You are too kind!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Oh my god, that little guy is SO freaking adorable!

    Good luck on your 'gallop', and remember if you do find yourself face first on the ground, get back up, dust yourself off and keep going.

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

    1. Hi, Rhonda, and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your far I have stumbled once or twice but I am still running so that is a good thing! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Love the word and that is the cutest picture EVER! :)

    1. Yeah, Susanna, I thought so too. You just KNOW that little guy is going to be in somebody's picture book story some

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
