
Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z: Usufruct

I've been sailing right along through this A to Z Challenge and figured I would run into problems with some of the letters along the way, but so far it's not been too difficult.  I've kept my mind open to all the possibilities which came my way and now that I am up to the letter "U",  I've uncovered a doozie of a word!  If you are a lawyer-type, you probably already know what this word means and would be eager to give your elderly clients some advice on how to best use it.  And if you are a writer-type, you probably have never heard of it...yet, it is certainly the most empowering word we could ever find!

Usufruct means the right to use and enjoy something.  That means as a writer I have the RIGHT to use my creativity to explore new worlds and stir up a little magic.  As a writer I have the RIGHT to enjoy what I do...without excuses...without apologies...without explanations.  I have the RIGHT to boldly go where no writer has gone before and spin a tale,  enticing my readers to follow along.  I have the RIGHT to take time out of my demanding schedule so I may encourage the child in me to come out and share a story.  Usufruct...I LIKE the sound of that!

Umbrellabird's Umbrella
Written by: Heather Feldman 
Illustrated by: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Ages: 3-7
ISBN 13 978-06-1333-1777
Teaser:  Umbrealla bird is unhappy with his unusual feathers.  Why can't he be like all the other birds?  What's so special about him, anyway?


  1. I rattled my A-Z off in minutes but the direction and many of the words have since changed.

    I hope they do another one because all sorts of ideas sprang to mind which are unfortunately now redundant.

    1. Hi JP! The A to Z Challenge is done every year...this was my first time participating and I'm having a blast! Hope you join in officially next year!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I thought I had joined in officially (I registered and am on the list). On another note I have two autographed books by a novelist. One is personalised but the second I thought might go to your stall. I'm not sure how well known the author is in the USA though. His name is Terry Pratchett and he writes science fantasy novels.

    3. Then that means you did join officially, JP...maybe I'm just

      Does Terry Pratchett write his science fantasy novels for children? What's his audience? My booth is only for children's book authors as it is a Children's Festival...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    4. He is most famous for his Discworld novels which do appeal to teens but I think his books are for big kids like me. Nvm I will keep looking.

  2. So if you have all these rights, does that make you usufructious? :)

    1. I think that might be 'user friendly'

    2. Lol, Susanna...I'm going to have to get a t-shirt that says that!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
