
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A to Z: Verbomania

There are a lot of things in this world that I am crazy about...things like TaeKwonDo...corn on the chocolate chip ice cream...hitting the snooze button and snuggling back under the covers on a cold winter's morning.  But todays word describes something that ALL writers are crazy about.

Verbomania means crazy about words and that is exactly how I feel!  I'm crazy about the written word...I love the feel, the smell, almost the taste of books and could easily drown myself in words if I would let myself.  To me, words are power.  Words are magic.  Words are the colors which brighten our lives and helps paint a picture on our hearts forever.  So you can call me crazy if you want,  you can even put me away in a padded cell,  but all I've got to say is there better be some books in there!

The Very Best Doll
Written by: Julia Noonan
Illustrated by: Julia Noonan
Ages: 3-8
ISBN:  10 0525470751
Teaser:  Nell was  a dearly beloved rag doll until a fancy new doll arrived for the little girl's birthday.  Will she be tossed aside for the new toy?  Will Nell every find her way back into the little girl's heart as her favorite?


  1. This was not a hard word for me.The "verb" part is obviously about words. I thought "mania" would indicate a love of words. But crazy is probably a better way to describe my feeling about the written word. I'm a reader and I could never understand it when someone said, "I don't like to read". Without books, I don't believe I would have made it through my life without a stint in prison or a mental institution.Seriously.

    1. Well, Janet, I WAS going to say I agree with you completely until I got to the prison and mental institution part and then had to stop myself...;0)

      But I WILL say that I also am confounded when I hear anybody say they don't like to read...for me it's like saying you don't like to breathe or you don't like to eat

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. The Very Best Doll sounds like an interesting book to read. I think all children have been in the position of having something that is a favorite and then receiving something new that might replace the once favorite item.

    1. Hi Susanne! I's like the story line of Toy Story series with maybe a'll just have to read it and see...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Aw, this sounds like such a fabulous book! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

    1. Hi, Sarah, and welcome to my blog! Glad you like today's book teaser...maybe you will have time to check out some of the other books I talked about during this challenge...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. That first picture looks SO cool. But if it was really moving those books would be falling out left and right ;)

    Donna I gave you a blog award on my blog :) 'Cause you're cool like that!

    1. Awww, Shelly, I am so honored! I will hop over to your blog right now and check it out!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. that's a great word! I think all writers have verbomania:)

    1. Hi, and welcome to my blog! When I came across it last night, I just KNEW I would have to use it today...and I agree with you...ALL writers suffer from it...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
