
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A to Z: Washi

"The Courtesan", a sculpture by Dan Fletcher

My son has had a fascination with the Japanese culture his entire life.  It started with Yu-Gi-Oh cards in elementary school, which turned into him researching the possibility of becoming a Japanese exchange student during high school, to majoring for a year in Japanese which included learning the language when he was a sophomore in college.  Through his passion for the orient, I developed a love for the culture as well and it serves to provide me with today's word as I think of my writing.

Washi literally means Japanese paper and it is more about the tradition of creating that paper with one's own hands. The paper is made from plant fibers and is used in everything from sculptures and clothing to toys or furniture.  Washi is stronger than regular paper and it makes me think of how I want my writing to be.  Strong.  Beautiful. A creation of my own hands to share with the world.  Washi has been around for stories should be so lucky...

Wild About Books
Written by: Judy Sierra
Illustrated by: Marc Brown
Ages:  5-9
ISBN:  10 037582538
Teaser:  The animals at a local zoo are inspired by the bookmobile parked nearby.  Soon, the animals are trying very creative ways to get their own books.  But what will the animals do once they get their paws on them?


  1. Oh awesome word and great tie into writing. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, Jessica, and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words. I have returned the favor and am now following you as well...I see we write the same type of blogs where we see tie-ins to the world around us where our writing is concerned...;0)...I too am working on a YA fantasy novel...amongst some other WIPs I try to find time

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I've seen washi being made on a program on PBS. I didn't remember the word washi. I couldn't guess what it meant. I wish there were more than 26 letters in the alphabet. I can't wait to see what the next three words are.

    1. Lol, Janet, you can always go back to my first post covering the letter A and start over...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Is this where you get your love for the martial arts? Or are they Korean? Just showing my ignorance,,,, I'm glad you are back on the 'write track' since you've had all your email issues...good post, Donna!

    1. Hi, Jarm! Thanks for your kind words. TaeKwonDo comes from South Korea and is the number one martial arts taught in the US and the number one martial arts taught to children in the US. I am still battling some issues as a result of the hacker but hopefully soon everything will be straightened out.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Does your son like Miyazaki films like mine?

    1. Lol...oh yes, Julie but his favorite are shows like Shogun and Memories of a Geisha. He has a very deep respect for the feudal code of honor...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. This post is interesting in different ways. I was introduced to far east culture through the Saturday kung fu theater shows. Over time, I learned to differentiate certain things and grew an appreciation of the Japanese culture to the point of attempting to integrate the language into my college studies, but things changed. I can tell I'm sharing this love with my kiddo. She loves several of Miyazaki's films and enjoys all things martial arts.

    1. Hi Angela! It sounds like we have been enjoying the cultural exchange in showing your child and mine showing me...;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
