
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Turning Sap To Syrup

I've always wanted to live up north.  Give me a little cottage on the coast and I would be happy.  What's not to like? Beautiful fall foliage, small town charm, and maple syrup.  But it takes patience and hard work to turn the sap into something you could sink your teeth into.  Kind of like writing...

Maple syrup doesn't just jump out of the tree and onto your plate, ready to eat.  You have to coax it out of hiding just like a writer has to entice that inner child to come out and play.  Neither is worried about the extra that comes along in the process.  This is a time to gather the basic product whether it be sap or story.  The reducing process comes later...

Boiling maple sap down into something edible takes time and patience.  Hurry the process and the end result may be something you can't use.  Same goes for writing.  The first time I heard writers speak of multiple revisions I had to laugh.  In my ignorance I wondered why couldn't they simply correct what needed to be corrected the first time around and be done with it?   Now I know that it takes many revisions to tighten a story into something a reader would want to sink their teeth into.

Just like maple syrup...


  1. I only recently discovered maple syrup. I had it with pancakes but found the flavour quite strong. Then I hit on the idea of putting it in custard instead of sugar (honey works well).

    Couple that with apple and cinammon crumble and... damn I hear the kitchen calling!

    1. Lol, JP...what a yummy sounding recipe...I shall have to try it sometime!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Wonderful analogy! I too, in my ignorance, wondered the same about other writers and all of their revisions! ;-)

    1. For myself, Teresa, I am amazed of how much I have learned about the writing process over the course of this past year.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Great analogy... oh the joys of revisions... such a process!

    And I loved the pics! :D

    1. I sometimes wonder, Morgan, if my readers come by to check out my posts or to check out the pictures? Lol...either way, I love that they are here!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Replies
    1. Oh yeah! Doesn't it make you want to cook up a batch, Diane?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I went Maple Sugaring for a field trip for school. I love how you compared Maple Sugaring to writing /writers (and I love the taste of maple syrup, too!)!
    Erik :)

    1. If you keep your eyes open to the world around you, Erik, you will find there is a connection between writing and everything is the common bond...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Greetings from a fellow A to Z blogger! Lively blog.

    1. Thanks, Heather...I try...;0)

      Good luck with the A to Z challenge! Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. something a reader would want to sink their teeth into? .... You bet.

    1. you mean the pancakes or a good book? ;0)

      Thanks, Haddock, for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Mmmm I'm hungry for pancakes now! LOL :-)

    1. I used to make them from only have time for frozen store bought...not the same thing!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
