
Sunday, April 1, 2012

A to Z: Alchemy

Today is the beginning of the A to Z Challenge and I promised you a double-header.  Hopefully I will not disappoint. Each day I will focus on a word that has a connection with the writing world, and I will give you a book "teaser" where I shine the spotlight on a children's book whose title matches the letter of the day.  Let the games begin!

Alchemists of long ago drew from the world around them to explain the unexplainable.  Writers should do the same.   Open your eyes to the wonders before you and incorporate it into your writing.  Whether  mad scientist or crafty wizard, your characters will create magic to capture the imagination of your audience.  Just imagine the worlds that await for those of us with eyes wide open!

Adventures at Walnut Grove:  A Lesson About Teasing
Written by: Dana Lehman
Illustrated by: Judy Lehman
ISBN: 13-978-0-9792686-0-1
Ages: 3-8
Teaser:  Sammy is a squirrel with the eyes of a raccoon who gets teased a lot because he is different.  Bucky realizes being teased isn't any fun when it happens to him.  Will Bucky change his ways?


  1. I love the double-header, Donna - great idea! Hey, my book's in the mail so you should get it soon.

    1. Thanks, Lori and I got your books yesterday! Thank you so much for participating at my booth for the Children's Festival of Reading! The little "Cheerios" copies are so cute!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Being young Bucky's natural survival instinct will kick in. He will fade into the background whilst surreptitiously turning more attention towards Sammy.

    Sammy is already vulnerable and the primeval instincts which ensure the survival of the fittest will instil a pack mentality within the others who will mercilessly hound Sammy into exile or isolation.

    Naturally Bucky will feel guilty at being one of those at the back thanking their lucky stars it was Sammy and not them.

    The leaders of the 'pack' will look for another victim, most likely Bucky who had been targeted already. Sammy will develop a liking for fermented apples and die of liver failure whilst Bucky lives rough on the edge of the forest begging for nuts.

    Hmmm. I don't think imagination and cynicism is a good combination, Let's try this...

    Bucky apologises to Sammy for being so mean and the next time the bullies teased Sammy, BUcky stood right up and said 'Leave him alone or you will have to fight us both'.

    The bullies glared at Sammy and Bucky but there was a rumbling from behind and all those who had watched the bullies ply their evil trade began to move.

    One by one they went and joined the brave Bucky and his new friend Sammy. The bullies saw the numbers were no longer in their favour and like the true cowards they really are they went off muttering.

    Of the two scenarios it is a shame the former is the most likely because of an epic fail at the hands of a whole generation (or two).

    1. JP, your post actually made me smile. Not because of the reality regarding the first scenario but because I have read your blog and that is EXACTLY how I would have imagined you writing that story...;0) are more of an original GRIMM writer instead of a DISNEY inspired one and have a unique writing voice all your own!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. It was tongue-in-cheek but from what you have read of the blog so far I understand the Grimm connection. It is however only the first part of the story and it does get Disney in part two which I hope you will find humourous and interesting.

      As for a writing style, I am merely relating actual events in much the way I would in general conversation. I hope you don't abandon Boyhood in despair because Wanderlust I hope to schedule around Christmas will show you a happier side to my story.

      I've been told it is funny by a couple of friends who read the story (it was actually my first attempt at writing), but friends aren't the best critics. I could always send you a couple of random chapters as a preview.

    3. JP, I have no intention of abandoning Boyhood simply because of the sadder tone of the story. I've said it before and I will say it have a beautifully artistic way of writing and I am COMPELLED to read your blog...;0)...and I look forward to enjoying Wanderlust as well...

      Right now I am in the middle of this A to Z challenge, keeping up with my 12 X 12 in 2012 children's book challenge, working on a new fantasy story (a genre I NEVER thought I would step into) and simply trying to handle every day life which includes a full time job so I am a wee bit behind on reading Boyhood, but I promise to get back to it soon...might even have time later today to read a few posts to try and catch up to

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Very true, ones must be able to open their eyes to it first if they expect anyone else to be able to do it. Nice double header too, great idea.

    1. Thanks, Pat...I'm a new follower of your blog and can't wait to see what you do with the letter B...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Interesting A :)

    here is mine

    1. Thanks! I want to try to be as unique as possible with my connections...wonder what I will do with some of the harder letters? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. A is for Alchemy is a good one. I like how it was used in Harry Potter.

    1. I do too, Theresa!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Susanna. I've never attempted the Picture Perfect Friday because I've never done a book review before and didn't want to mess I guess this is my way of getting my toes wet...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. That's a good and unique theme.

    1. Well, thank you Ruth...I try...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. This is so great. I love the reminder to use my imagination...there are so many places we can go and it is up to us. That is the wonderful part of writing. :-) Happy A-Zing!

    1. Hi, Tracy Jo, and welcome to my blog! I agree...the world of writing is limited only to the level of our own creativity...;0)

      Good luck with the A to Z challenge!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Double Header is a great idea! Well done :)

  10. Thanks, Kelley...I was trying to create something of interest for both writers and readers...;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. I think my kids would really enjoy that book. Great post!

    1. Thanks, Marta for visiting my blog. By the end of the month you will hopefully have 26 new books to consider...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. Great start with your A-Z Donna. Although I am not doing it, I will be following with interest.
    PS: I am also reading Boyhood, JP knows how to draw you in alright.

  13. A-mazing post! The book sounds good, too-bad I can't get it from my library.

    1. Thanks, Julie! Maybe you could ask them if they could special order for you? I just found out recently that my library can make a request OUTSIDE of my local library system to get me books they might not have in THEIR system. For example, if I wanted a book and they didn't have it at my local library in Tennessee, but a public library in New York had it, they could request for me and have it shipped to my local library. I had NO IDEA they could do that and it opens up the whole country for my reading enjoyment...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  14. Enjoyed your post. Double header. Great idea.


    1. Thanks,'s my way of trying to delve into the world of book reviews which I have never attempted before. Hopefully, by the end of the month I will have a better idea of how to do a book review without boring

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  15. I love the idea of alchemy. There's a 17th century short play about it and Coehlo's book The Alchemist is interesting as well. New follower :)

    1. Hi, Tasha, and welcome to my blog! I use to have a lovely kitty with the same name...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  16. Nice theme. Alchemy, the great-great-grandfather of science!

    1. Hi, Bish, and welcome to my blog! Yes, we can certainly learn a lot from alchemy...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  17. Hi, glad you found my little corner of the blogging world...;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  18. Love your double-header idea. Going to be a great month!

    1. Yes, Julie, it is! Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge? I'm so glad I stumbled upon's gonna be a blast!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  19. Interesting post. A great start to the challenge :0

    Here's my blog:

    1. Hi, Jack...welcome to my blog and thanks for becoming a new follower! I'm going to try really hard to keep your interest this month...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  20. Cool. I was expecting the book "The Alchemist" by Paolo Ceolo and you surprised me with one I'd not heard of. Sounds like an excellent book.

    1. Lol, glad I could surprise you, Beth! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  21. Definitely agree that we should stay attuned to the things around us. It'll certainly add new dimension to our writing.

    1. Hi, J.L., and welcome to my blog! Making sure our eyes, minds, and hearts are open to the world around us certainly helps our writing voice, doesn't it?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  22. I so agree!

    And speaking of alchemy, have you ever perused the novel, 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho? If not, put it on your 'to read' list and you will not be disappointed.

    1. Hi, Jeremy, and welcome to my blog! Another friend of mine, writer Beth Stilborn, also mentioned "The Alchemist"...I think I need to stop by the library this week and pick it up...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  23. From one Donna to another....following you from Melissa's blog in the A to Z challenge.

    I'm doing flash fiction, words picked at random, photos found to inspire, then max of 10 sentences and min of 100 words. I love that there are so many different approaches to the A to Z.

    BTW, I'm picking out one commenter at random and adding them to my list to follow. Too many to do otherwise...

    1. Hi, Donna, and welcome to my blog! I think you have a wonderful theme for the A to Z Challenge...good luck with it!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  24. Hi Donna .. love the way these are going - and I love alchemy always have done - I have The Alchemist, but have never read it - perhaps I should sometime soon! Cheers Hilary
