
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Long And Winding Road

Yesterday I received the good news I've been waiting almost a year to hear.  My poor broken house was finally getting fixed.  The battle between the insurance company and myself was over.  It had been a long, winding road to a final resolution and the only thing that helped me be successful at this endeavor was never giving up.  I also began to think that maybe this was how I should approach my writing.  

Before I teach a class each night, my students must repeat the tenets of TaeKwonDo which includes the word perseverance.  I tell them that perseverance means to never give up.  No matter how many times life comes along and knocks them down, they need to keep getting back up and keep trying.  It's the same with writing.  I started my new writing career about the same time a tree fell on my house and I had no idea both journeys would be so challenging.

A year later, after many twists and turns, I am much closer to my goal of having my home restored and one step closer to becoming a published author.  It hasn't been easy.  There was much to learn and overcome.  But I kept my eyes on the goal ahead of me.  When I thought I had no more fight within me  I turned to my friends, my family, this wonderful writing community and drew on their strength to keep me going.  I often wonder how I will ever be able to thank them for their solidarity in my time of need?

It's the reason for this blog.  To remind others...and myself...that no one ever said becoming successful at this writing thing would be easy.  The road to publication is long and winding with many stops along the way.  It can get frustrating at times and some writers may start wondering if it's even worth all the time, sweat, and tears they put into it.  I say yes.  I say keep your eyes on the goal before you and never give up.  Perseverance and success are more entwined than you might realize...


  1. Major applause!! Thank you for this post. I really needed it today.

    1. Awww, Sheri, you are doing great...keep it up! If I am able to deal with my insurance company and actually come out a winner, then surely you can overcome whatever obstacle may be in your path at the moment? ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. RE: Yesterday's post comment. No, I was not saying get off your soapbox. I was saying, "RIGHT ON!"

    YAY! You are getting your house back. Henry Gibson says, "Keep a goin'."

    1. I'm not sure who Henry Gibson is, but I agree with him!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Wonderful post and so true for all of us who are on this writing journey!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca...both journeys have certainly been more challenging...and entertaining...than I ever imagined...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I've tried to give up writing many times, but when it comes to quitting I'm a failure.

    1. Lol...I LOVE it! Can I steal that from you sometime, Stephen? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. A great reminder, Donna.

    Congrats on being closer to a resolution on your house.

    1. Thanks, Ruth, it's been a long year...;0)

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  6. Great advice and congratulations on winning your battle with the insurance company!

    1. Thanks, Richard...I'm just glad that the battle is over...I'm really a pussycat, despite the four gold bars on my black belt...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. wonderful post..... something I should have glued to my Congrats to on beating the insurance company...yay!

    1. Awww, Diane...I would be honored to have my posts hanging off your computer...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Oh I meant to ask, did you find out about the cake in the previous post. Usually to keep it lasting so long.... it would be made with (what we call) plastic icing, can keep for a very long time if kept sealed in a cool place. The cake inside if made of fruit, would be okay to eat, the icing would need to be replaced. (I was also interested to know)

    1. I stopped by the library the other day and asked them. I was kinda disappointed because they said what I took a picture of wasn't actually the original cake but a styrofoam cutout replica covered with icing. It was still lovely to look at...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Great post Donna. Nothing in life worth achieving is easy, IMHO.

    1. You are sooooo right! That is why the success when it comes is so much sweeter...;0)

      Thanks for stopping and come back any time!

  10. My favourite ever T-shirt depicted a pelican. Sticking out of its mouth were frogs legs. The front legs had the surprised looking pelican by the throat and the caption was.... Never, ever give up!

    Sound advice.

    1. Lol, JP, I've seen that on posters before and I agree, it's cute!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. The Tenets of Tae-Kwon Do is full of some of the most important rules/words in life. "Courtesy, Integrity, PERSEVERENCE, Self-Control, Indominable Spirit!" (Note that "Pizza" is not one of them, I think it should be. ;) ) My favorite of these is "integrity" but they are ALL important. I'm glad that your house is being fixed!

    1. Erik, at my school we say the Tenets of TaeKwonDo just a wee bit differently...Honor, Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Courage, and Community. Indominable Spirit is sometimes hard for students to truly understand...personally, I like these words...they have served our students well for many years...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I notice Pizza isn't in yours either... *sigh*
      I know things are a little different from school to school, but they're also very similar. And TaeKwon Do helps people of all ages in all kinds of ways! It's cool that you're an instructor!
      Erik :)

    3. Ahhh, if I could sneak Pizza in there I

      Your instructor would be proud to hear you say that, Erik, it means you are listening to the things he or she is trying to teach you. Yes, I am an instructor and it is something that brings me great joy...but I am also a student and continue to learn about life and TaeKwonDo from MY instructor, Master Hargis...if you would like to see info about our school, you can go to and you will find it probably isn't very different from your own school...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. What a lovely post! I love things that make me "feel" and your words did that. Thanks for this. And I looooove that pic of the house... it's so magical. :D

    1. Morgan, I appreciate your kind words so much. If my posts inspire even one person then I have fulfilled the task I've set for myself. And yes, I agree...I really love that amazing it must have been when it was brand new!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. Donna,I must say you continue to amaze me with your wonderful talent as a writer. I wish nothing but the best for you as you deserve all good things. Hailey has a wonderful Auntie Donna

    1. Hi, Robyn...I see you found your way to my blog...welcome! I have been writing for a long time...much longer than I have been a student of the martial arts and THAT seems like a lifetime...;0)

      Thank you for your kind words, thanks for stopping by, and come back any time!
