
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't Stop Believing

For some reason I started thinking of Steve Perry today.  Steve Perry, you say, and scratch your head like you might not know who I'm talking about .  And I will say, you've got to be kidding me!  You don't know who Steve Perry is?  He's only one of the greatest lead singers of all time (in my humble opinion) of one of the greatest 80's bands of all time (Journey).  And I find myself singing one of their number one hits..."Don't Stop Believing"...and I realize that this should be every new writer's mantra.  They should wake up every morning, look themselves in the mirror, and repeat after me...don't stop believing!

There is a time when a writer will come to a fork in the road and they will have to decide.  Do they want to remain mediocre the rest of their life?  Will their life be fulfilled if they remain average?  Or do they want a life worth living?  Do they want their great works to echo through the ages until the mere mention of their name brings about a moment of hushed silence in the acknowledgement of a memorable life?

Life can be hard.  Writing can be harder.  But it is how we face life...and writing...which helps to build character.  As writers, we give it our all, leave nothing to chance, and hope for the best.  We aren't magical beings, though there can be magic in our words.  We don't think of ourselves as heroes, and yet our words can have the ability to save a life and change a world.  It's in how we see ourselves which help how others see us.  We are the stuff of legends and the result of our collective creativity.



  1. Thanks for leading this rousing literary parade.

    1. I try, Stephen, I try...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Writing stirs a variety of emotions within the writer and if the message is correctly conveyed to the reader as well. There is such a difference in writing about true life and fiction. With fact there is no way to manipulate what happened or make it more palatable whereas with fiction the story can be changed to suit.

    I admire writers of fiction because they have something which I lack and something that is the basic requirement for all novelists - a creative energy. I have toyed with fiction but ultimately find myself cheating by simply re-writing fact but in an obscure kind of way.

    Don't Stop Believin' was a favourite track of mine until it was flogged to death, then I kind of tired of it. Love the bottom picture.

    1. I agree in theory, JP, to what you are saying about fiction vs non-fiction, but I still think we are viewing the basic idea a little bit differently. You may be correct that there is no way to "manipulate" the truth which comes from non-fiction, but it is in the presentation of those truths that allow a writer to tap into their creative energy and YOU, my friend, do THAT quite well! Your blog talks about the truth but if you weren't a writer with a beautifully compelling writing style (which comes from that creative energy you say you lack) then I, for one, wouldn't want to read what you have to say.

      I don't think writers should compare their abilities to someone else' does a disservice to their own strengths and tend to do nothing but dim their own creative light...and just a thought...if you think you don't have the ability to write fiction, then why not dabble in writing "creative" non-fiction about subjects which might capture your interest...i.e. sports, science, history, music, etc. Use your own distinctive writing voice to shine the light on some aspect of the world around us which we have yet to discover? Something to think about...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I wana change the world, even if it's just a lil bit. After reading this I think I might just be able to! Thanks :)

    1. Not everyone can change the world all the time but EVERYONE can change the world one moment at a time!

      Thanks, Anna, for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Yeah! Now I've got that song in my head first thing in the morning! We all need this reminder, Donna, especially when we often feel as if we're working in some dark cave hoping for a little light. Thanks for the uplifting blog post!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer, for stopping by! I write my posts for myself as much as I write for you say, we all have our "dark" days as I am trying to shine a little positive light into the darness...;0)

      Hope you have a great day and come back any time!

  5. Replies
    1. you saying, Janet, that I need to get off my soapbox? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Donna...
    What an inspiring message!!! I absolutely LOVE the graphics...especially the baby. :) I'll be posting on Friday and will include a mention about the book fair.

  7. Thanks, Vivian, for helping me get the word out abut the Children's Festival of Reading. You may want to make sure you add the link for festival information in case your readers want to know more. I've included it here for you:

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Replies
    1. I would be happy to get you a pair, especially since you have been largely responsible for helping my upcoming booth at the Children's Festival of Reading to be a success! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. i loved the look on that babys Great post. Thanks Donna!

    1. Isn't he a cutie? ;0)

      Thanks, Diane, for stopping by and come back any time!
