
Monday, March 26, 2012

Phyllis' Southern Hospitality

In the midst of a crazy world tour,  April Fool Phyllis managed to find time to spend the day in the beautiful state of Tennessee and get a taste of southern hospitality.  I could hardly wait to show her some of my favorite spots around town.

Phyllis picked a good day to travel to Knoxville.  Yesterday we were battling thunderstorms, but today's weather was sunny with the highs in the low 70's and a gentle breeze blowing.

One of the very first things I wanted to do was show Phyllis the fabulous "book cake" that won first prize last year during the public library's BOOK CAKE BAKE to help raise money for the library system.  Phyllis wanted to have a taste, but I told her the sign next to the cake says don't touch and the librarian might not like that idea too much.

Next we drove by World's Fair Park where the Children's Festival of Reading will take place on Saturday, May 19th.  I told Phyllis that thousands of people will be coming by my booth to visit with her but for now it was just an empty field with that crazy building with the freaky looking eyes staring at

Phyllis sat and stared back at it for awhile...

Phyllis wanted to go to the top of the Sunsphere but lack of funds and fear of heights prevented us from going there.  That's okay, though, because we visited the World's Fair Park playground instead.

Phyllis had a really good time spinning on this thing...whatever it's called...but I kept telling her to hold on tighter because her little hands kept slipping and she kept falling off...

We also sat in silence for a few minutes at the soldier's War Memorial Garden that is on one side of the playground area.  I told Phyllis all the names etched in the stone pillars are the brave souls who gave their lives in the various wars around the world but that they all were born here in the hills of Tennessee.

There was one more thing I wanted to show Phyllis before I had to go to work.    It is one of my favorite statues in the downtown area.  I had a hard time finding a parking place and when I finally did find one three blocks away, I discovered I didn't have any money for the parking meter.  Oh well, we took our chances that I wouldn't get a ticket as we ran all the way there and back.  Phyllis had wanted to go swimming, but there were no ponds around Knoxville, so I took her to the next best thing...

Phyllis will be back on her world tour tomorrow, heading toward the lovely state of Vermont, but for now she will just sit awhile...


  1. It sounds like the two of you got on fabulously and had a great time.

    1. It was cool to think where we would go...there are so many places to visit and if I would have had longer with Phyllis, I might have taken her to Dollywood!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Wow that was cool. I sooo loved the Book Cake, wouldn't mind having a go at making one like What a lovely area you live in and amazing statue! Glad Phyllis is having some fun time with you.

    1. Diane, I thought that book cake was just about the coolest thing I had ever seen! I just walked into the library not far from our school and there it was. When I found out Phyllis was coming for a visit, I just HAD to show her that cake! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. That was fun! Glad Phyllis enjoyed her time with you. (Cool book cake!)

    1. I agree, Beth, but I'm wondering if that was LAST year's winning entry, how did they preserve it all this time? It's just sitting on a table at the library I go to not far from the school and it looked just as fresh as it must have looked a year ago! Shellac? Lol...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I have to admit I was wondering that myself... hmmm.

      I bet it wouldn't taste as fresh! Maybe there's some preservative that they spray on? Because it doesn't really look as if it's been coated with something.

      If you hear I've been googling "how to preserve cake for inordinate lengths of time" you'll know why. ;)

    3. I'm stopping by the library on my way home this evening...if the cake is still there I will ask and see if they know. I go there so much they now know me by fact I am putting together two "book prize baskets" for younger children and one for older elementary a summer reading program giveaway...I'm a sucker for that kind of thing...l0l...

  4. Neat to see photos. The Festival of Reading sounds like lots of fun! That's nice Phyllis can participate.

    1. I agree, Tina! I can't wait to see how this year's festival is going to turn out, especially since this is my first year being able to participate...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I think the World's Fair Park playground must be great fun for a groundhog! That book cake is amazing! Looks like all I have heard about Tennessee hospitality is true, Donna, you gave Phyllis a wild time!

    1. Thanks, Joanna! We didn't even get to see all of it. There is also an outdoor theater and even water fountain/splash pad but we couldn't go over there because Phyllis forgot her swimsuit...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Looks like good times in the South with Phyllis- fabulous book cake - wow!!

    1. Doesn't it make you wonder what the OTHER entries looked like? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. You certainly showed Phyllis a wonderful time! I loved seeing the cake. It was incredible! Thanks for sharing :•)

    1. You're welcome, Penny, and thanks for stopping by...come back any time!

  8. Knoxville is so beautiful. And that book cake is out of this world! I think I'm going to ask for one of those for my next birthday.

    1. I love to bake but I don't think I could do a cake like that

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. I love the boy in the boat picture. Lucky Phyllis got the tour. Very cute blog.

    1. Thanks, Janet...I try...;0)

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  10. Phyllis had quite the tour, made her feel at home! I visited the World's Fair in Knoxville many years ago (80's?) I'm glad there is still some evidence of it....

    1. Jarm, I am told that the Sunsphere was built just for the 80's World Fair...there are some crazy stories surrounding that time in missed it by about ten years...didn't move here until 1993...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. I have never been to Knoxville but it looks beautiful! Love the book cake! And the Rowing Man statue is SO COOL! He really looks like he's sinking into the pavement! How lucky for Phyllis that she got to see the World's Fair park and play in the playground there! That whirl-around thing looks like so much fun :) I see you sensibly did not invite her to wreak havoc on your TKD studio - who knows what kind of mischief she might have gotten up to there :) Thanks so much for having her, Donna, and for sending her on her way to Vermont!

    (Sorry my comment is so late! I read this hours ago and then realized I had to rush off to get my daughter to school, and when I got back I forgot I hadn't commented!)

    1. Susanna, there are all kinds of statues...some life size and others larger than life all around Knoxville...we just couldn't get to them all...Phyllis' legs were just too short for all that traveling and I got tired of carrying her...;0)

      I really wanted to get some pictures with her and the kids but the timing wasn't right...the only time I had available for the tour was when the kids were in school and Phyllis is not on her way to Kathy in Vermont. I don't have an email address for Kathy so maybe you would be so kind as to let her know to watch out for Phyllis coming her way in the next couple of days?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. I love Phyllis! It looks like she had a perfectly delightful visit in Knoxville...hmmm...perhaps we should ALL come down for a visit if we can be treated to such a fun day!

    1. Awww, Sharon, the places I could show you...;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. I'm with Phyllis! LET'S EAT THE CAKE!!!
    Great post ;)

    1. I went by the library yesterday and asked one of the people there how the cake was preserved. I was told the cake in the picture wasn't really a cake but some styrofoam shaped cake pieces that had icing on it for decoration...I'm disappointed...I would have loved to have taken a bite! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  14. Sounds like Phyllis had a marvelous time...we are all wishing we could have gone along for the ride. :)

    1. And I wished there could have been room in her luggage for me as she is traveling overseas and to Canada...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  15. An excellent visit with Phyllis, Donna! thanks for sharing her trip!

    1. Thanks, Heather...I just wish Phyllis could have met my students at my school...I was going to put a white belt on her and take a group picture, but she had to catch a plane to Vermont...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
