
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time To Celebrate

Some writers want to celebrate once their story is accepted by a publisher.  Some writers want to celebrate when their query letters are received favorably by an agent.  And some writers want to celebrate at the very notion of having a story idea.  For myself,  I like to celebrate when I have completed the final revision of my latest draft.  Why wait?

I've studied hard, written every day, and gathered the tools of my trade around me.  I've recreated, revised, and revamped until my vision is the best I can make it.  Now is the time to celebrate.  I can only hold on to my "baby" for so long, and then I must set it free to venture out into the world without me.  I believe it can stand strong and wish it well on it's journey to a new home.  And so I celebrate.

And if I am blessed with a chance to see my story in print then it will be that much sweeter.  I will even do the Mexican Hat Dance in celebration...although this isn't exactly what I had in mind...


  1. Are you taking dancing lessons? Better be prepared.

    1. Lol...I think I need dodging lessons more than dancing lessons if he is going to be my partner...;0)

      Thanks, Stephen, for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Any dance will do. I'd say "break a leg", but I better not (dancing and all). So I'll say good luck.

    1. With MY luck, Janet, I probably would!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Ai yi yi yi! You are a writer if you write! Keep dancing Donna!

    1. I think someone needs to teach me a salsa dance before I partner with THAT

      Thanks, Julie, for stopping by and come back any time!
