Saturday, February 18, 2012

Going With The Flow

In a perfect world, everyone would be happy, healthy, and holding a winning lottery ticket.  Days would be filled with warm sunshine as you enjoy the sand beneath your feet on some tropical beach where your vacation never ends.  And every idea you dream of becomes the next Pulitzer prize winning novel.

But a writer's life is rarely like that.  That is more the stuff of Hollywood.  Writers usually are the ones trying to balance and juggle the many obligations in their hectic lives.  Spouses, children, work, social commitments; a million and one things sit on one side of those scales and the wish to be a published author with enough time to actually write sits on the other.

My life is hectic these days.  Staying balanced with the rhythm of life is hard to do when everything seems to be working against you.  Recently I have been thankful my broken house is slowly on the mend.  After nine long months of my begging, the city's brush removal department was finally going to pick up the tree that had fallen on my house.  I was happy...until the equipment tore into my main water line.  I was balanced...until the equipment broke my retainer wall.  I was going with the flow...until what started out as a trickle of water became a river flowing down the street in front of my house.  I will be three days without water while the city tries to figure out how to fix the problem they created.

It's like writing sometimes.  Beginner writers can sometimes prop up their stories with "fillers"...those words and phrases that take up space but don't actually give any strength to the story.  At first the writing may look like it has a firm foundation, but there will be cracks where the story's flaws will start to trickle through.  Poor grammar, weak characters, and vague endings will pour out until what could have been a great story is washed away in a sudden flood of inexperienced writing errors.

So what should new writers do to prevent being washed away by one of life's sudden storms?  Make the time to strengthen your writing skills.  Take advantage of workshops, conferences, and online writing blogs.  Read books on the art of writing, seek out the wisdom of those who came before you, and gather close to you fellow writers who will help you stay afloat when the waters try to carry you away.

I have come to love and appreciate my new friends in the writing community.  They have helped me to find my writing flow.  They encourage me and give me balance in an otherwise crazy, hectic writing life.  They are on this journey with me and if I am lucky enough, I will help them to go with the flow as well.

As for my newest drama in the ongoing saga that is my broken house, I can think of only one thing.  Like the old saying goes...when life throws you lemons...make lemonade!

Drink anyone?


  1. I'm afraid MY words wouldn't be fit to print if that were happening to me. You are an inspiration.Thank you.
    How do you react when something really bad comes your way? (My sad attempt at humor.)

    1. do I react? I cry for about an hour and then realize I'm no longer a two year old. Then I go put on my "big girl drawers" and simply DEAL...;0)

      Thanks, Janet, for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. *It takes extreme patience to keep things in perspective when the lemons come your way. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    1. Thanks, Dawn, for stopping by! I have been told on many occasions that I have the patience of JOB so maybe it's try. I also believe that people are never given more in life than they can someone must think I'm an AMAZON...;0)

      Take care and come back any time!

    2. Lol...meant to say it might be "true" that I have the patience of JOB...;0)

  3. Wow. First of all, *hugs* for all that. What a pain that whole experience must have been! And thank you for turning it into something that can build us up as writers. Inspiration should be your middle name. Or perhaps even your first name.

    1. Hahaha...thanks, Beth, for both the hugs and your kind words! You would think that after nine months of fighting my insurance company, adjusters, contractors and now the city and the utility company, that I would get a break, but went out and bought 25 gallons of water today. It's gonna be a looonnnggg weekend because Monday is President's Day and all the city offices are closed. They won't even THINK about doing anything until Tuesday...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Donna, sorry to here all that. Maybe there's a story waiting to happen in all of this. Wishing you well.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl, for stopping by! I was about to say that Hollywood has already made a movie about this very same thing (The Money Pit) but it was about a couple putting money INTO a house that wasn't worth it...I'm trying to get money OUT of my insurance

      I hope you have a great weekend and come back anytime!

  5. That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so the saying goes. When the city is finished with you just imagine how strong you'll be.

    1. How could you have known, Stephen, that you mentioned one of my favorite sayings! I truly believe that...which is a GOOD thing since I always seem to be tested on that theory...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. That must have been so frustrating, Donna! Sorry about your catastrophe...
    You can certainly be thankful that it gave you a focus for your blog today, and lessons for us all to learn.

  7. Thanks, Jarm, for stopping by! What else CAN I do but deal with it? ;0)

    I bought 25 gallons of water so hopefully it will last me until next week. I hope you have a great weekend and come back any time!

  8. OMG... Donna you have certainly had your share, bout time something good happened. Loved Janet's comment and your reply. I know I would be sooooo pissed off! Thinking of you.

    1. Thanks, Diane, for stopping by! The "three" day no-water saga is actually going to be a FIVE day adventure because I forgot all local and federal offices are closed Monday for President's Day over here. Be sure and read today's blog about how I have gone back to living in the Pioneer Days! ;0)

      Hope your upcoming week is wonderful and come back any time!
