Title: XYZ Adventure In Alphabet Town
Author: Janet McDonnell
Illustrator: Linda Hohag
Publisher: Wing Park Publishers
Ages: 4-8
"You are now entering Alphabet Tow,
With houses from 'A' to 'Z'.
there's an 'XYZ' adventure today.
Come, see what fun it will be."
Synopsis: Xavier, Yoko, and Zelda live side by side in Alphabet Town. They live side by side but sometimes don't get along. It's a fun adventure as the three argue over which letter of the alphabet is the best!
Why I liked it: I knew the letter 'X' would be a difficult in this A to Z Challenge but my local librarian helped me uncover this cute story of three children living in a town made up of the letters in the alphabet. Colorful illustrations help young readers learn how to spell certain words and also how certain words sound during this frolicking adventure through the last three letters of the alphabet.
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