Friday, November 29, 2013

Flash Fiction Friday

This week's flash fiction is a little bit different. In the U.S. yesterday everyone was celebrating a holiday where we give thanks for the people closest to us and where we are in our lives. I was taken by surprised by my own bit of "flash fiction" when the following event happened yesterday. How do you think this story ended?

Where's My Ma'am?
by Donna L Martin
The woman stamped her feet against the cold and tugged the car door again. It was most decidedly frozen and the ironic thing about it all was the bottle of de-icer staring back at her from the front seat. As she headed back inside for a bucket of warm water she thought to herself, "It's not going to matter if I'm late. No one is holding their breath just waiting for me to show up."
On the other side of town the man put the last ornaments on the Christmas tree. Delicious aromas taunted him from the kitchen as his wife prepared the holiday meal. Suddenly a small voice caught his attention.
"Daddy, I hope my ma'am is gonna be here soon."
"It's okay Hailey. She's on her way and will be here in a little bit."
"But I miss her, Daddy!"
After much tugging and a little bit of prayer, the ice finally loosened its grip on the car door enough for the woman to climb in and start up the engine. She was going to be late but didn't think it would matter much. A sharp beeping sound announced an incoming text and tears sprung to her eyes as she read the words someone special was waiting anxiously for her arrival. For a moment self-pity had allowed her to think being late didn't matter but here was proof it did, if only for one small child. Twenty minutes later as the woman pulled into the driveway, she could see a nose pressed against the window pane impatiently searching for a familiar car. Oh, what a wonderful holiday this was going to be.
Stepping into the hallway, the woman could hear a high pitched squeal as she closed the door.
"Ma'am, ma'am, you're here!"
***Okay, you're turn. What do you think happened next?***


  1. I'd guess some huggin' and kissin' and showing of the tree.

    1. Something like that, Janet...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. The mother answered, "Yes my love and I'm so sorry I was late. God got me here as soon as He possibly could. She took off her coat and gloves and hugged her daughter. She was important to someone.

    1. Hi Gladys! Nice ending to this story...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I can't believe everything I just wrote not 10minutes ago has gone *sigh*. That will teach me for writing the continuing story straight here instead of on Micro Word, first. At least then I could go back and pick it up. Oh drat! Anyway, I hope you had a lovely Thanks giving, my dear.
    (just so you know... I had the story finishing with, they have an amicable relationship as she is on her own and has a job that takes her away months at a time. But she is welcomed anytime, hence she is grateful for the kind of relationship she has with them and of course her beautiful little daughter.) (Now I will go try and publish this here. Fingers crossed)

    1. Hi Diane! We don't seem to get the chance to chat as much as we use to so I am happy to see your comment, even if you did lose the first go round...;~(

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. We'll have to fix that, and soon I hope. Take care!

  4. That's a good enough story there. :) I think I know who that lady is... :) The story is sweet. :) I guess you guys, er, THEY ate the holiday dinner and had lots of fun and laughs! And that, now, the woman keeps a mini de-icer in her coat pocket/purse. :)

    1. HI Erik! Yes, I am the woman in the story and the little girl in the picture is my best friend's little girl. I was so surprised to get her mom's text that she was anxiously awaiting my arrival and then I get that picture where she was literally staring out the window until I got there. It definitely tugged at my heart and if I ever doubted a 3 year old's feelings....well, I don't doubt them now! ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
