
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Letter To My Followers...

Until further notice, I will unfortunately have to stop posting any of my WIPs on my blog as I have a stalker who refuses to leave me alone. This person will not honor my request to STOP commenting on my blog and has set up multiple accounts in their attempt to follow my blog and be able to post comments.  I will now, until further notice, have my comments set for moderation before I will publish anything and will end up having to report this person to the authorities...something I was sincerely trying to avoid but they are leaving me no choice in the matter but to take action against them if  they continue to stalk me.

If you enjoyed  my Sunday "this and that" posts or my Friday "stories", please leave a comment so I can get in touch with you, and I will create an email contact list and start sending my installments out THAT way for those types of posts to everyone who would like to continue reading my stories.  I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this might cause my regular followers, but this is the only way I know to prevent unwanted stalkers from harassing me.

Thanks to all my lovely followers who have shown me your love and support this past year...I will try my best to continue to inspire and entertain you with upbeat posts on a daily basis..I just have to change things up for now...


Donna L Martin


  1. Oh girl I totally understand. I am having a very similar problem. I have the stack of evidence printed and the police reports filed. Yikes!! People are crazy.

    1. My issue is the fact I repeatedly have asked this person to stop commenting on my blog for personal reasons and they refuse to respect my request. I am sorry for what you are going through and hope things get better for you. I will continue to post...just not my WIPs...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. This seems to be getting all too common. A lot of these 'stalkers' are silly little kids but there is the occasional 'adult' that hasn't come to terms with their own low self-esteem and have to try putting others down.

    It is a sad to think of them in their own pissed off world, dissolving in a pool of their own poison. They should be pitied as they eke out their miserable existence with no true friends and no life.

    1. This person is different, JP. I do not wish them ill-will as it is not in my nature to do so. Unfortunately, though, I have asked them repeatedly to stop commenting on my blogs due to personal reasons between us and they refuse to respect my request. They are forcing me to report them to authorities as harassing me and as spam which I don't want to do, but they are leaving me no choice in the matter. I can only pray they come to their senses and heed my request before it is too late...

      Thanks for stopping by and comeback any time!

  3. Oh no Donna. Huge hugs. I hope things can get back to "normal" soon.

    1. Thanks, Melissa. I'm crossing my fingers that this person will finally get the message...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Hey, Melissa, if you want to be added to the Email Gang for installments of my stories, please drop me a line at
      tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will make sure you don't miss a thing! ;0)

  4. Sorry to hear this Donna. We can connect another way for sure and I love all your posts.

    1. Hi, Diane...thanks for your kind words. I will set up an email list for anyone who wants to continue reading my installments and will simply send out my stories that way. I am praying this person will finally come to their senses and realize that I am serious about this...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Hi Donna,
    I enjoy your posts :)
    Sorry to hear about your stalker :(
    It is no fun when someone wrecks all your fun (Stalker, hackers, etc!)...wish they would just go find something better to do with their time!!
    Anyways, I like to stop by from time to time and see your stories :)

    1. Hi Kathy! I agree...I see no purpose in the actions of either stalkers or hackers...especially when they aren't invited and refuse a polite request to leave a person alone...I can only pray my stalker comes to their senses that I am serious about reporting them if they continue...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Hey, Kathy...if you want to be added to my Email Gang so you can get the installments of my story, just drop me a note to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will add you to the list. Just let me know...thanks...

  6. Yikes! So sorry for your troubles! Hope you're able to resolve them soon!

    1. Thanks, Susanna...I am hoping my stalker got last night's message loud and clear. It's not in my nature to wish bad on anyone, but if I am forced to take action against someone who is harassing me and refusing to honor my request to stop commenting on my blog, then I will have no choice but to report them. I can only pray they come to their senses and choose to leave me alone...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Stalker? Seriously? Ugh! Hope it stops soon.

    1. Hi Genevieve! That is what I call someone who sets up a new account every time you block their old one and they continue to post comments when you repeatedly request that they STOP! I don't care about the nature of the comments...THIS person no longer has the right to be able to post anything on my blog and if they continue I will report them as spam and a stalker to's not in my nature to do this so I pray they will come to their senses and stop!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. I know this is not an option, but since the stalker wants attention, their picture and full name and address should be plastered everywhere labelled STALKER. I let my nasty gut reactions slip out sometimes. You haven't "made it" until you've been stalked. Let's hope it will be done with soon.

    1. Ahhh, Janet, you crack me up! Don't let your nasty gut reactions get you down. Just pray this person comes to their senses so that I don't have to report them. And I'm guessing it is safe to presume your name needs to be added to the Email Gang list...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Hi Donna .. that must be fairly freakishly awful - and frustrating and irritating to put it mildly - let alone time consuming .. I hope you can 'sort out' the challenge and relax back into your work.

    I'm coming back to the Dickens post and the one on your mother .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! It's all of the above but I pray this person comes to their senses and honors my request before I have to turn them over to the authorities for harassment and spamming...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Oh that I just awful. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Blogging is definitely risky because you are puttin yourself out there and you never know who might be watching and lurking. I hope this works out and I'd love to be part of your new list.

    1. Thanks, Nicole. I am praying that this person will finally get the hint and leave me alone.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. I hate this for you and us. Please add me to you list as I so enjoy the posts!!....Thanks

    1. It's okay, Robyn...I will take care of things. Just send me an email to tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com so I can get your email address and I will add you to my list..

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. How very sad you are having to deal with this. Hugs, and hope you get this worked out. I will miss the posts.

    1. I'm not stopping the posts! No insensitive hacker or stalker will stop me from fact I have changed my mind and will continue my new schedule. Please look for my latest post tomorrow morning...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. I am sorry that you are dealing with yet another interruption, now invasion of sorts. You've got support here, Bayou Babe! Prayers of comfort to you.

    1. Awww, thanks sweet of you to shower me with your lovely prayers of comfort...and you KNOW I love the "bayou babe" nickname! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
