
Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Dickens Of A Tale

I woke up this morning at an exceptionally early hour.  I could have tried going back to sleep. but I had purchased a number of DVD's yesterday and one in particular was calling to me.  The name of the movie was The Ghosts Of Dicken's Past...a story created to show why this brilliant author wrote A Christmas Carol and how it quite literally changed his life...

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 and by the time A Christmas Carol was created he had written and published a half dozen or more novels.  He was a driven man and always concerned about finances.  He wrote for money and stressed about one day being forced to return to the abject poverty of his youth.  But there was something different about this new novel he was working on in 1842.  His eyes had been opened to the circumstances of the world around him in a way it had never been before.

Instead of slaving over a typewriter or inkwell in the hopes of creating something which would sell, Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol for the pure joy of writing the tale.  Yes, the story was about the darker side of life in the big city during the 19th century, but it was written in the hopes that it would one day inspire others to open their hearts...and those less fortunate.  This one act of kindness...trying to shine the spotlight on the suffering of child labor...released a brilliant author from being driven by the almighty dollar.  It only took him six weeks to write the entire novel and the future classic was published in 1843.  And well, you know the rest of the story...

Writers today need to remember why they began writing in the first place.  Some were driven by the need to express themselves.  Some were compelled to write in the hopes of future fame and fortune.  And some write for the pure joy of writing.  To create magic on paper or computer screen in the hopes that some day others will be captivated by their words.  To know they have touched the hearts and minds of readers and for a moment,  the world seems a little bit better place because of their creation.

THAT is why I write.  How about you?


  1. I totally write because it's fun. But I am regretting once having said, "Even if I never get published again, I'll still write." I hope I didn't jinx myself!!

    1. Hi Genevieve! Never fear...I'm a faithful follower of your blog and if your stories are like your posts, I have NO DOUBT you will have many more stories published in the future!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I would like to have the money, never the fame. But I write only for myself for now.

    1. Janet, writing for yourself is always good...just don't let the unknown hold you back...but whatever you do...HAVE FUN!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I first wrote to express myself, now I enjoy writing. The bonus would be to be

    1. Hi Diane! How alike we are...when I first started writing poetry around 8 years old it was to express what I was going through at the time. I now write for the pure joy I get from doing so...and I agree, being published would be a nice bonus! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
