
Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't Be Shy...

I had to do something today that I really didn't want to do, but in the best interest of my blog and my readers, I felt I had no choice.  Between the hackers and the stalkers I've dealt with lately I've had to be extra careful who comments on my blog or connects with me through Facebook or other social media.  Today I received an "anonymous" comment on my post.  While the kind words touched my heart, I had to delete the comment.  Anonymous can be anyone and THAT can include hackers or stalkers and I've had enough of THOSE to last a lifetime...

So, come on...don't be shy!  I care about all my readers and would love to connect with each of you, but I need to know you're real.  I want every kind word thoughts, every blah I'm bored with your writing thoughts and even those so you call yourself a WRITER thoughts.  So please stand up and be counted among my friends and let me call you by name...

I'm just standing around here waiting...and waving...


  1. Well said. I have anonymous comments disabled on my blog - mostly because I'm nosy...

    1. Hi Melissa! I don't think I can disable just "anonymous" comments on my blog so I've changed it to ask people to "identify" themselves when they are commenting. I might end up just changing it back and deleting anonymous future comments as necessary...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I've got too big a mouth to remain anonymous so you know "it ain't me".

    1. Janet, the post was lovely and full of compliments so I felt really bad having to delete it. I hope that the person can appreciate the reason why I had to do it...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I wouldn't worry about it too much Donna, if they care, they will know and respect your wishes.

    1. Hi Diane! While I'm not "worrying", I do want to make the reasons for my decisions clear so people can understand where I am coming from...if they decide they don't agree with me then at least they made an informed decision...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I get the occasional anonymous comment from my non-blogging husband who reads my posts and every so often just HAS to pipe up with something. I just couldn't bear to delete Mr. Anonymous!

    1. Hi Karen!

      Lol...but there is a big difference from KNOWING who the anonymous person is and a true UNKNOWN...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Can't you just re-post the comment since it was nice?

    1. Julie, I didn't actually think of that before I deleted it, but even then I would want to be able to thank that person by name and my stalker started out that way as well. I can only hope that "anonymous" understands my position, or at least can respect where I'm coming from...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Donna,
    I'm sorry for posting that anonymous comment. I don't have a blog and figured it would be the easiest way. I hadn't even thought about stalkers and I totally respect what you're saying. I enjoyed reading your blog and had to leave a comment.Thanks for using such nice words!

    1. Hi Lauren and welcome to my blog! I'm SOOOO happy you came back and I'm SOOOO sorry I had to end up deleting your previous comment. You don't have to have a blog to join the fun and I was truly honored by your kind words. Glad to know you aren't "shy" anymore...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and PLEASE come back any time!

  7. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Well at least if anyone stops at your door for no good reason, you know what to do - should I say - black belt sparring practice! :) My parents have my security filters set high for my blog and email and they go through everything and delete anything they think is weird. I think most people out there are nice and just a couple of bad guys (like 0.02%).

    1. Erik, I'm liking your parents more and more as you tell me how protective they are of your privacy...I hope you give them a hug and a kiss every once in awhile for having your back...;0)

      Fortunately my "anonymous" commentor was simply a lovely lady that thought she had to have an actual blog to be able to post but now she reads and posts comments with her name so I can actually know which online friend is speaking to I agree...most people ARE nice...especially when you TREAT them kindly so I don't really think about the "bad guys" much...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Nice post. I just had to do the same thing. I didn't mind the anonymous comment, but when anonymous commenter turned passive aggressive, and attack like, I also turned it off. :/

    1. Hi, Gossip_Grl, and welcome to my blog! I apologize for not answering sooner. Unfortunately my Blogger account did not notify me that I had a comment to moderate and your message got stuck in the blogosphere somewhere until today!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Hi there. Very nice to hear your words and read all comments here. I've found your blog through google and i feel like, i need to drop my comment here. Keep up the good entry :)

    1. Hi, FiZ, and welcome to my blog! I was looking at your blog and thought it was lovely...even though I couldn't read most of it...;~)...I appreciate your kind words.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
