
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Crazy Like A Fox

She dipped the quill into the inkwell and let the words flow across the page like a rushing torrent of emotion crashing upon the paper.  Each breath brought her ever closer to the finale she knew would be the world's epiphany of sheer perfection!  That's how we writers feel every time we sit down to write, right?  Every word slips with ease from our fingertips as we are mere vessels, channeling all the greatness which came before into works of art which will stand the test of time...

Or maybe this guy is more how we feel when we try to write?  Every story feels like the battleground where words and emotions fight for control and we are sometimes the casualty of the war between the two.  Visions twist around in our mind as we struggle to create something worthy of all the angst which comes with being a writer.  Are we just on the verge of snapping one day and going a wee bit crazy?

I say yes, I'm crazy.  Crazy like a fox.  Just watch a fox on the run from the hounds.  It will seem like it's movements make no sense but that old fox knows what he's doing.  He's playing with those hounds...teasing and tantalizing and drawing them into a trap he creates until he leaves them breathless with anticipation.  Writers should be like the fox. Teasing.  Tantalizing.  Tempting readers to want more.  Just remember not to take the whole crazy thing too far...


  1. Mom always has voices in her head. They're the good kind. The voices in my head sometimes tell me to be naughty. I think any voices are better than no voices.

    Love and licks,

    1. Hi Cupcake! Not only do I have voices in MY head, I was told yesterday that I am the voice in someone ELSE'S head...encouraging them to keep on will take that as a compliment...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I just came back from seeing my therapist. I haven't mentioned any voices. There is room on the couch for two,just sayin'.

    The voice in my head says, "Ssshhh" sometimes. Other times I actually get something down on paper. SCHOOL.

    1. Janet, I actually LOVE the feel of writing with pencil on paper. That being said, it's much faster to use the computer so that is where I find myself most days...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. ..Janet's " room for two on the couch".

    Your voice in someone else's head, now why does that not surprise me!

    1. Hi Diane! Funny, but it REALLY surprised me! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
