
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Relax, Re-energize, Regroup

In case you just met me,  I get busy.  Really busy sometimes.  Sometimes so busy that I'm surprised I can keep up with myself.  And sometimes I just need to relax.  I knew when I returned to my writing that there would be days when I would feel like I can't seem to get anything done.  When story ideas and rewrites and deadlines would seem overwhelming.  That's when I know I just need to take some time and relax.  Turn off the TV,  shut down the computer, put on some soft music and give myself permission to just STOP the roller coaster ride for a little while and get off...

It doesn't matter whether you take 15 minutes or a whole's the fact that you have stopped long enough to take care of the most important thing in your life...YOU!  Writers tend to be focussed individuals who do a lot for those around them.  Spouses, children, agents, editors, publishers, readers, get the idea...we expend all this energy in the service of others and sometimes fail to realize we need to re-energize ourselves every once in awhile in order to maintain this crazy writing life that we have come to love.  

Create an action plan today on how you are going to handle those moments when you need to relax and re-energize. Later you can retreat back into that wonderful world of imagination inside your head where all your ideas are crystal clear and waiting to be born.  Who knows what may lie just around the bend?  With a renewed sense of self, you might even catch a successful wave on that path to publication!


  1. Excellent post, Donna! And so true. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome, Beth! I'm feeling a wee bit overwhelmed this morning so I thought this would be a great reminder to myself as well...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I'll bet your cat tries to divert your focus from your computer, too.

    1. Lol, Jane, my cat would LIVE on my computer if I would let him. It's a daily battle to see who is going to get to the keyboard first!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Great post, Donna. Everyone needs this reminder.

    1. Hi, Pam! I agree...especially writers...and maybe

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Hi Donna! Enjoyed your post.

    1. Hi Susanne! I hope you are enjoying your weekend...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Super ideas, it's true that many of us are so involved with taking care of others that we neglect ourselves. Time seems to rush by.

    1. I don't know how actual "caretakers" do it! I can barely keep my own head above water some days and some will do it for years on end!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. mmm... I seem to remember something similar mentioned in our chat earlier, your today, (my last night) Excellent advice! Thanks Donna.

    1. My goodness, Diane, don't you ever sleep? I wasn't expecting any comment from you until tonight (or tomorrow your time)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. I can switch off while walking into town and staring up at a bright blue sky - switching back ON can be a problem!

    1. Hi Annalisa and welcome to my blog! I know what you mean! That's why before I take a break I plan on what I will be coming back TO...that way I get my relax time AND a bit of excitement to look forward to! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. I am not a writer but I so agree!! Sometimes it does the body good just to stop and smell the roses.

    1. Yes, Robyn, I completely agree...but you know my's finding the TIME to smell the roses that's sometimes the problem...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Replies
    1. You're welcome, Vicki...glad I could help...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. What a sweet kitty...looks like a Ragdoll! Yes, I try to take breaks here and there,but, unfortunately, I am a type A. Resting is not my forté! I am learning slowly but surely...

    1. Hi Jarm! You would think with all that I try to get done in a day that I would be a type A as well, but I'm not. I have no problem with idle time or being by myself and doing absolutely nothing. It's that actually having the TIME to take time off that I'm constantly struggling

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. Great idea! We all need to take that advice sometimes. Thanks for reminding us.

    1. Thanks, Clar! If I hadn't mentioned it, I'm sure someone else would have...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  12. I will have to read this post to my husband, Donna...he will second and third your advice! He is always trying to pry me away from the keyboard. You hit the nail on the's important to find a way to completely relax and refresh. I take a couple of hours and watch an old movie classic while munching on a BIG bowl of airpopped popcorn...don't know if it is the munching that relaxes me...or the movie. :)
    You must be gearing up for the event where you have a booth with books...I'm sure it is a challenging time...try not to get overwhelmed. We are all rooting for you!

    1. Hi Vivian! Yes, the festival is coming up quickly and I'm hoping everything turns out well. As of today I have 29 authors participating and 347 autographed items to give away! The only thing I'm overwhelmed by is the generosity of this writing community!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  13. What great advice. It just so happens that I've updated the music on my ipod and I'm taking time out to listen and sing this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll return to the grindstone. Love that kitten. Our cat Charlie lies across the keyboard. Must take a photo next time it happens!
    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

    1. Hi, Rosalind, and welcome to my blog! I have an older cat named Tommy that is about 12 years old and weighs about 18 pounds. He loves to share my recliner (an my lap) with me as he either lays his head on the keyboard of my laptop or takes one paw to do some creative typing of his own! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
