
Friday, May 4, 2012

May I Take Your Order?

When I was a young teen, I was allowed to work at the local diner in my small hometown.  I wasn't allowed to serve alcohol but anything else we served was fair game.  And I was good.  Really good.  I took pride in what I did and it wasn't too long before I had a regular set of customers who sat at my tables despite my tender age.  I paid attention to my customers interests, I knew what they liked and I served it to them in the best manner I could which made them want to come back for more.

In today's world, many eateries try to cut corners by cutting quality and it shows in their menu items.  Where is the pride in one's work when you are slinging hash at some greasy diner these days?  Even the big dogs in the fast food sector are starting to make smaller portions and use fillers to downsize the quality of their products.  

I say writer's should always be careful they don't become the greasy diners of the writing industry.  Be sure to prepare your manuscripts with only the freshest characters, the tastiest storylines and the finest words your imagination can create.  Why become a fast food writer when you can be a gourmet one?


  1. Interesting post, but if we serve our readers what they want, (with a smile, of course) it doesn't much matter whether it's fast food or a five-course gourmet meal.

    1. Hi Susan and welcome to my blog! I tend to think I have a choice of creating the type of readers I would like to draw to my work by creating the finest manuscript I can. It makes me think of all the Barbara Cartland novels I read as a teenager. She was extremely successful as a writer (and I LOVED her books)...serving her readers what they wanted (at the time)...but the storylines were so simplistic and "cookie cutter" that I can't imagine them ever surviving in today's world for long. I just don't want to be a mediocre author and so I will challenge myself to create only gourmet works of art for my readers to choose from...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. It is a valid point and one I had considered for a long time. But where exactly do you draw the line? Trying to attain an unrealistic standard can restrict progress. I am seldom happy with what I have written and see only the flaws.

    Happily my word count was out by a mere 50,000 words so I can cut most of the garbage out :D

    1. Hi JP! I guess I don't see being a "gourmet" writer as an unrealistic standard. I don't mean NEVER being satisfied with one's work, but striving to make it the best...the can do so that you don't allow your readers to have to settle for less. I agree it's a fine balance but for me I just can't see myself sacrificing a potentially strong story for the sake of having it "fit in" to the every day mold of other mediocre stories which might be out there. I don't think writers should settle for less and neither should their readers...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Hi Donna, all I meant was how does a person know what is good and not so good if they think their writing is mediocre to begin with. Sometimes it is difficult to know what will generally appeal and it is easy to get drawn into catering for the audience as opposed to sticking to the initial goal.

      Sigh! The more I learn the less I know.

    3. JP, I depend on the wisdom of writers that have come before me, this writing community, and great critique groups. I'm my own worst critic so I take my own critiques with a grain of salt...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Good points! It's tough to find a balance between excellence and enjoyment. It's tough to say I hate the "junk food" books. I do, to be honest. And some readers love them and read only those! But to half ass any step in the writing process, whether you are a junk food writer or a five star restaurant is never a good thing! Taking care in your work should matter first!

    1. I agree, NIcole...writers should expect the very best of themselves because their readers sure do!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Hi Donna .. excellent point - all through life we're doing the 2nd best .. and really we should all buck up and start acting responsibly .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! As I mentioned in my earlier reply...I just now figured out how to correct my not being able to see your comments...glad I can now see your smiling face...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Hi Donna! Great post. Enjoyed the analogy between food and writing.

    1. Hi Susanne! I'm glad you enjoyed today's post, although I'm afraid it stirred up some friendly

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Replies
    1. You're quite welcome, Julie!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Yes, Donna...our readers deserve the best we have to give!

    1. Jarm, I couldn't agree with you more! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. Ditto what Jarm said.... *sigh* back to my mss.

    1. Awwww, Diane, don't be too hard on yourself...this is supposed to be fun, right? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Nice comparison! With a little more effort, a hamburger can be gourmet instead of junk food.

    1. Hi Karen! Awww, why didn't I think of the hamburger thing? Lol...nice visual and I completely agree!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Great post....I fear I am a fast food writer, slowly working up to the buffet. I don't know if I'll ever qualify for gourmet but I'll keep working at it!

    1. Hi Donna! Nothing wrong with taking it slowly and appreciating the tastes and smells along the way...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
