
Friday, April 27, 2012

A to Z: Yerk

I was raised during an era where quilts were important.  They represented the fabric of a family...sometimes lovingly stitched as each piece told a story and sometimes just the hodge-podge  make up of a blended family.   Each one capturing the love within the walls of every home.  I like today's means to draw tight or to bind...just like the pieces of a handmade quilt or the pieces of a great story.

Writers draw upon all the life experiences they have to enrich their stories...coloring them with their truth and binding them with their passion for the written word.  We have a duty to carry on the traditions handed down to us by those who have come before...just like those handmade quilts...we are the gatekeepers of the magic and creators of all the new worlds to come.  Draw that quilt close to you, breathe in the love of life found there and let your words bind you to the generations yet to come...

You Can Do It, Sam
Written by: Amy Hest
Illustrated by: Anita Jeram
Ages: 3-8
ISBN:  10 0763619345
Teaser: Sam Bear and his mom want to do something special for their neighbors one snowy morning.  What can it be? Will Sam spoil the surprise?  


  1. Enjoyed that post. Quilting is on my bucket list. Love the analogy between quilting and writing!

    1. Hi Dawn! Thanks...glad you liked it. I did a little bit of quilting in my younger was fun.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Hi Donna! I've always wanted to make a quilt. I actually have material for it, but so busy with other things that I never get it started. Maybe one of these winters I'll finally get one made.


    1. Hi, Susanne! I've done one homemade quilt in my lifetime...I mean hand stitched..not machine...and it was rewarding when I was done to see the finished product!

      Fyi...I put your prize book in the mail today and you should receive it by next Wednesday or Thursday or so the lady at the post office told me...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Quilts were important to us as kids as well, especially as during winter mum used to put coats on the bed for extra warmth. I remember fighting with my brother one bedtime and called up to keep us quiet because she had visitors.
    'But mum Steve keeps pulling the coat off me' I protested.
    'It's not a coat it's a quilt' she called back obviously embarrassed.

    Five minutes later I called back again:
    'Mum he's ripped the sleeve off the quilt'

    1. Hi JP! Lol...your poor mum was probably just trying to keep you guys warm but I got a visual with that and had to chuckle...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I love this description. I have many handmade quilts from my mom and one from my grandma. Quilts do tell a story. I feel like wrapping myself up in one right now, the quilt and the story!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Play off the Page

    1. Hi, Mary and welcome to my blog! We had quilts on every bed in the house when I was growing up. My aunt made a quilt for each of the kids in my family (four of us) and I had mine for many years until unfortunately my cat decided in the middle of the night to have her litter of kittens right in the middle of that quilt (while I was UNDER it) and it was too messy to clean up afterwards. I guess I should have felt honored that my cat wanted to share that experience with;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
