
Saturday, April 28, 2012

To A Heart Overflowing

Some of you first met me during Tara Lazar's wonderful PiBoIdMo challenge where we all raced to come up with 30 picture book ideas in 30 days back in November of last year.  I was just returning to my writing after missing it for 20 years, and I really didn't know if I would be able to complete the challenge.  To a heart overflowing with trepidation, I didn't believe in myself nearly as much as the wonderful group of writers with which I surrounded myself did.

I survived the challenge and ended with 45 picture book ideas which amazed me and showed the possibilities which existed to a heart overflowing...

Then along in January of this year came Julie Hedlund's 12 X 12 in 2012 where she challenged us to take those picture book ideas and try to turn 12 of them into more than just a whiff of a story.  To a heart overflowing with possibilities, this gave me a chance to spread my wings of creation and fly as high as my visions would take me.

Finally, Miranda Paul gave writers an avenue to seek out the wisdom and advice of seasoned authors. People who cared enough about this writing community to show their generosity by mentoring to writers who sought out their council.  To a heart overflowing with hope, this was a chance for me to see if I had what it took to be a writer of children's books.  Most of you know I received an excellent rating recently from Rate Your Story on one of my could you NOT know, when I was shouting my excitement from the rooftops?

And now I am about to complete my first A to Z Challenge where I have shown a little bit more of myself to the world and have been somewhat surprised by the lovely responses I have received from followers old and new.  To a heart overflowing with gratitude, my 100+ new followers to my blog since the beginning of April is a milestone I will never forget!

As I get closer and closer to my dream of being a published author, I will remember these moments best  where the support and friendship of wonderful writers across the globe helped lift a spirit and guide it on the path to publication.  

To a heart overflowing...the sky is the limit!


  1. Wonderful, touching, and my heart overflows with happiness for you and all that you've discovered in the past few months. This is an exciting time for you -- I'm glad you're enjoying it to the fullest!

    1. Thank you, are one of the first to encourage me during PiBoIdMo and I will always cherish your friendship! Here's to an exciting year for the BOTH of us!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Good for you, Donna, wishing you all the best!

    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks for your kind words and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be an exciting year for both of us!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Lovely post, lovely photos. Happy to have met you this month, Donna!

    1. Awww, thanks Dawn! It's nice to meet you too! Good luck with all your writing goals for this year...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. What an empowering post! This is my first ever sort of blogging writing challenge thingy and I am very encouraged by the level of support and creativity. Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

    1. Hi Melanie! Thank you for your kind words. This is the first time I participated in the A to Z Challenge, and I absolutely loved every minute of it! I've visited about 600 of the blogs so far and will continue to visit the rest of them even after the challenge is over. And I agree with you...the love, support, friendships, and creativity found in this writing community is awesome!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Hi Donna! What a sweet post. Best wishes in everything you do.


    1. Hi, Susanne! Thanks for your kind words and the same to you!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Yay Donna! Great pictures! Awesome post!

    1. Thanks, Kelly...I try...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Dear Donna

    I came across your post on the Overflowing Heart... do you know the source of the 'waterfall' photo ?
    Would I be able to have permission to use your photo for personal/church use. ?
    There would no sale/profit involved.

    If so, do you have a hi-res version....

    Thank you so much and best wishes in your writing endeavours

    Steve KElly

    1. Hi Steve and welcome to my blog! I'm sorry it took so long to reply but I was out of town. I have looked everywhere of the source of this picture but unfortunately I can't find the original information...that's what can happen when you work with an ancient Mac laptop...;~(

      I wish you luck in finding another picture to suit your needs...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. One of my heroes - most are like Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis - out there shining on the horizon. You are still visible as a real person, up on the road ahead, beckoning and sharing just as deeply with those of us behind you. Thank you!

    1. Awww, Sunny...your words have really touched my heart and I thank you! I'm as real as baseball and apple pie...;~)...and just like every other hopeful writer trying to leave their mark on the world...

      Thank YOU for stopping by and come back any time!
