Friday, March 9, 2012

What's A Plotter To Do?

There are so many factors to creating a good story for a writer to consider.  Strong characters, showing not telling, and writing for a specific target audience are some of them.  But what about the overall plot?  Can a novice writer focus on the other parts of a great story, only to overlook a key element? When in the  middle of revisions, do you sometimes come across one of these situations?

The Run Around...does your plot seem to go in all different directions or even take you in circles until you are left with a dizzying headache?  Readers need to know there is a beginning, middle, and eventual end to a story.  It's one thing to take them on an adventure and quite another to lead them on a wild goose chase where they get lost along the way.

Playing your overall plot so boring and slow that it simply dies somewhere along the way?  Readers need to be fully engaged in a story.  From the first sentence to the last, a writer's challenge is to draw their audience into the story and keep the reader on the edge of their seat while they wonder what will happen next.

A strong plot is just as vital to a story as an engaging main character or active dialogue.  It is the foundation which holds all the pieces together.  Without it, a writer might be able to finish that manuscript but it will never make it past the slush pile.  With it, it's amazing what great feats that story will actually be able to accomplish...


  1. OMG! I laughed out loud at the possum picture and comment :) I am definitely prone to the "going off in too many directions" problem. I often find I have started one story and finished another... not good!

    1. What's even funnier is that I started to do today's blog with those pictures but with a different post in OWN story kept doing The Runaround so I finally had to change it to THIS one...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Great advice, and the pictures are a perfect match. Good job.

    1. Thanks, Stephen. I am a visual writer when it comes to this blog, so I would have to say that the "advice" is a perfect match for the pictures! Lol...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Your post are so fun to read. I always love the picture too!

  4. Well, Cheryl, I aim to please...;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Great post. This relates to me in that after awhile while in the middle of writing one story I start thinking about another and another....I need to concentrate on one thing at a time, or nothing will get Loved the pics to.

    1. Thanks, Diane, for your kind words. I'm beginning to wonder when my "good luck" with my "great posts" will end...hopefully never...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I spit coca cola all over my screen when I saw that possum__he larry us! (sorry, couldn't help it). Anyway, another helpful post!!! "Readers need to be FULLY engaged in a story." I'll be reviewing some stuff today!

    1. I'm sorry, Pam, somehow I never got the prompt that you had left a comment. I'm glad you found this post helpful!

      Thanks for stopping by and please come back any time!
