***I have a number of writing deadlines coming up over the next couple of months so I have decided instead of stepping away from my blog completely to concentrate solely on my writing, I will bring back an encore performance of my WRITERLY WISDOM series from three years ago. WW is 52 glorious posts by authors, agents, and editors from around the country providing writerly wisdom in categories from why even become a writer all the way to how to publish and market your books.
will be two posts loaded per week...Mondays & Wednesdays...so be
sure to stop by and check out all the encouraging information given by
my lovely writerly friends! I hope you enjoy the encore presentation of
my WRITERLY WISDOM series and I will return with shiny, new posts in
the fall!***
I don’t need no stinkin’ editor
by Karen R. Sanderson
I know…what an opening sentence for an editor’s post, right?
What is an editor?
Ask any editor, you get a different answer. Developmental
editing, line editing, copy editing – and the list goes on. Then you need to
worry about the final proofread – punctuation, spelling, etc.
With each editor you find, he/she will have a different idea
about each type of editing and proofreading as well as a different skill set.
Get samples
No matter what you are looking for in an editor or
proofreader, I suggest discussing your work in progress with at least a handful
of editors. Ask for free samples so you can assess the skill set of each
Send them all the same bit of your work – see how they edit
and what mistakes they find on a proofread, see what suggestions they make. Do
you love their ideas or totally disagree? Do they “get” you?
Develop a relationship
I cannot harp on this enough. I have had so many strangers
come to me (with imminent deadlines) – how can I edit you if I don’t know you?
What sort of writer are you? What are you looking for in an editor? Do our
styles mesh or clash?
Of course, each editor has his or her own specialties – I
love poetry, horror, women’s fiction, historical, memoir, and non-fiction. I do
not care for sci-fi or fantasy, so I don’t think I’d be the best match if you
are a writer of those genres.
My Editor Spotlight series
I realize not every editor/proofreader is perfect for every
writer. That’s why I’ve presented the blog series, Editor Spotlight. Over the
years, I’ve highlighted other editors on my blog. I want every writer to find
the right editor (even if it’s not me!).
If you don’t have an editor, perhaps you can find one by
paging through my Editor Spotlight blogs. Here’s one to get you started – my
own editor, Shawn
Here’s another editor I find particularly awesome and her
Editor Spotlight – Chris
Let’s back up
Before you start the search for an editor…have you learned
the craft of writing, plot, and dialog? Have you tried to improve your writing
skills? Have you learned about showing not telling? Do you understand
My three favorite writing-craft references
Everson Borofka - Memory, Muses, Memoir (additional note – I took
her class through UCLA Extension and it rocked!)
Additional desk references
Must haves
A comprehensive dictionary and a thesaurus (Roget’s of
course). I’m old school, and I still prefer the paper tomes. My mom used to work
for Merriam-Webster as a proofreader (this apple didn’t fall very far, did
she?), so I like M-W.
For you new-wave writers, there are loads of online
Quick Editorial Tips series
Are you making these mistakes? Here’s a list of the blogs
I’ve posted with Quick Editorial Tips.
Editorial Tips I – Discusses pronouns, name consistency, adjectives,
commas, redundancy, ellipses, listing chapters.
Editorial Tips II – Discusses just and that, adverbs, white space, echoes,
answered/expressed/questioned (instead of said).
Editorial Tips III – Discusses was and were, seemed, appeared, dialog, same
mundane sentence structure.
Editorial Tips IV - Stop following my advice – Discusses your editor/writer
relationships, are you getting advice that doesn’t feel right, are you in sync
with your editor?
Editorial Tips V - Lessons from home – Discusses lay and lie, exact same,
continue on, me or I.
Done writing. Now what?
Are you ready to edit or proofread? Are you about to hire an
editor? Can you afford an editor?
I have answers to all these questions in my four-pack of DIY
Editing and Proofreading.
Photos on the four-pack of editing by Gwen Dubeau.
Karen was raised
by a mother who wanted to be an English teacher and who worked for
Merriam-Webster as a proofreader and an aunt who could complete the Sunday New
York Times crossword puzzle in a day. Their
favorite expression was, “Look it up!” Karen reads punctuation and grammar
manuals for fun. Her favorite book is the dictionary.
Karen is an editor
and proofreader, blogger, writer, and an awesome grandmother. Connect with
Karen on her website, blog, Facebook, Fan Page, Twitter, Google+,
and LinkedIn.
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