***I have a number of writing deadlines coming up over the next couple of months so I have decided instead of stepping away from my blog completely to concentrate solely on my writing, I will bring back an encore performance of my WRITERLY WISDOM series from three years ago. WW is 52 glorious posts by authors, agents, and editors from around the country providing writerly wisdom in categories from why even become a writer all the way to how to publish and market your books.
will be two posts loaded per week...Mondays & Wednesdays...so be
sure to stop by and check out all the encouraging information given by
my lovely writerly friends! I hope you enjoy the encore presentation of
my WRITERLY WISDOM series and I will return with shiny, new posts in the
To Blog or Not To Blog:
A few thoughts on writer blogging, the hows, whys, pleasures and pitfalls
By Beth Stilborn
As writers consider how to
“build our platform,” we often ask, “Should I have a blog or a website? What
should I blog about?”
Blog or website? I suggest you start with a fairly simple blog, one
that allows for “pages” behind tabs. You can move to a full website later, if
you choose. An example is Julie Hedlund’s website. Julie started out with a blog but as her career
in writing expanded she had a website built which includes her blog and much
What platform should I
use? Many companies provide
blogging capabilities, and each has advantages and disadvantages. For most
bloggers, I think either Wordpress
or Blogger is simplest. Both offer free blog-hosting and are
Blogger offers Google Friend Connect, an easy way for
people to follow your blog, flexibility in pages and add-ons, and good
statistics information.
Sylvia Liu
has suggestions to make your Blogger blog more like a website.
Wordpress is comparable, but without Google Friend Connect.
I found Wordpress.com to be limited in widget capabilities (which allow for
lists, and other add-ons along the sidebar.) It provides some flexibility, and
good statistics.
Wordpress.org is the paid
version, which gives widget capability, but few statistics, and less flexibility
for post appearance. It’s a seesaw of positives and negatives, whichever you
What url to choose? I advise you to use your name for your blog
address, in the way it is (or will be) used on your books. That allows a
reader, editor or agent to find your blog easily. Purchase your name’s url even
if you’re not ready to set up your blog or website.
Content: The content of your blog is the most important
consideration. It is what you write
that will attract people to your blog and keep them coming back, not the
What do you have to share?
What will show your area of expertise? Does much of your writing focus on a
topic such as sports or science? Incorporate that. You don’t have to stick
exclusively to one topic, but let that special interest show through so that a
reader – or editor or agent – sees the basis for the focus in your writing.
Joanna Marple has a
particular interest in endangered animals, and Miss
Marple’s Musings highlights this
in many creative ways. Patricia Tilton’s blog, Children’s
Books Heal, focuses on special
needs kids.
You may say, “I have too
many interests to narrow my blog so much!” So do we all, but for building a
platform it’s best to highlight one or two areas.
Some people, like Susanna
Leonard Hill, find ways to reach
out and involve others through their blog posts. Her Would You Read It
Wednesdays and Perfect Picture Book Fridays allow an eclectic platform.
Cautions: It’s great to blog about the writing process, but
leave giving actual writing advice to the experts.
It’s best not to post your
manuscripts (in part or in whole). Besides the potential for plagiarism, many
editors consider something to have been published once it’s on a blog, and
don’t want to publish something that’s already freely available. To demonstrate
your writing abilities, it’s better to use writing that you don’t plan to
Copyright: Simply stated, if it isn’t yours, don’t post it on
your blog without permission. This applies to photographs and artistic images
as well as writing. Just because you can find a photo through google images
doesn’t mean it’s okay to use it on your blog. Use a site that offers images
for legal free use or a service such as Fotolia
through which you can purchase licensing rights to images.
To read more of what I’ve
learned about copyright, check out my three-part blog series.
Brevity: This post notwithstanding, brief posts are best.
The sweet spot is about 500 words, although sometimes a post will be
necessarily longer.
It’s easier on your
reader’s eyes if the paragraphs are kept brief.
Scheduling: Schedule one, two or three posts a week. If
circumstances prevent you from blogging, give your readers a heads-up.
Overkill: You may have many things you want to say in
separate posts, or many books you want to review. Space these out over the
weeks. Six or seven blog posts coming in from the same person over a period of
a couple of hours can cause a follower to delete without reading after a while.
Format: You’re competing for people’s attention with
thousands of other blogs. You need to catch their interest with a hook sentence
and keep their interest with a good post.
Keep your font simple, not
too large or bold, easy to read. Note: light text on a dark background is very
difficult to read. A “busy” background or sidebar can detract from the overall
effect of your blog.
You can learn much about
format at Laura B. Writer’s blog. (Search for the word critique in her blog’s search box.)
Comments: Comments are one of the perks of blogging. It’s
common courtesy to respond to comments left on your blog. (When you get to the
point that your posts have a couple of hundred comments on them, we’ll cut you
some slack!) Comments build friendships, community, and that all-important
Some people use Disqus for the comments on their blogs, which allows them
to respond both on their blog and via email. I’ve heard positives and negatives
about Disqus, but have not used it myself.
It is also crucial to read
other people’s blogs and comment on them. The more you involve yourself with
others’ blogs, the more they’ll involve themselves with yours.
Purpose: A personal blog can be random. A writer’s blog
needs to have focus.
What do you want your
public to know and what is it not necessary for them to know? They don’t need
to know that you cleaned the bathroom yesterday – they do need to know what
sort of a writer you are, what drives your imagination, what you read.
What would you want an
editor or agent to see if they checked your blog? Heed this agent’s post – don’t air your dirty writing-laundry on your blog.
For more about blogs,
check out Kristen Lamb’s post on blogging in which she calls it “an author’s most powerful social media tool”,
and Robert “My Name is Not Bob” Lee Brewer’s blog.
Joy: Blogging can be, and usually is, a joy. It is a
great way to hone your writing skills. It is a way to build community as you
interact with your readers and reach out to other bloggers. I wish you that
Beth Stilborn lives in a
prairie city, and writes in a converted bedroom in her apartment, but she’s
often elsewhere in her imagination! Most, but not all, of her writing projects
(picture books, chapter books, middle grade fiction, adult fiction) include a
focus on the arts, particularly theatre and music.
Beth blogs about “reading,
writing, the arts and life” at By Word of Beth. She is a member of SCBWI
(Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children’s Authors,
Illustrators and Performers), the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, the online Children’s
Book Hub, and 12 X 12. Along with Emma Walton Hamilton, she is co-host of the Children’s
Book Hub Facebook Group.
You can find Beth at her
blog, http://www.bethstilborn.com
on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethstilbornwrites
and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BethStilborn
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