Monday, September 29, 2014


It's incredible the number of things that need to be done before a book's release. And I'm not even talking about the editing, revising, proofreading, illustrations, formatting, binding, creating ebook files, or any of the other things my publisher, Anaiah Press is doing as we count down the final days before my book, THE STORY CATCHER, is born on January 20th of next year.

I'm thinking about how an author has to be prepared on THEIR end by release day. This week I'm focusing on future book reviews of my manuscript. When I signed my book contract, the head of Anaiah's marketing/publicity department, the lovely Melinda Dozier, sent me some "homework" to do in preparation of my book's release and one of the things I needed to provide is a list of anyone who might be willing to review my book when it comes out. 

The only way to find THAT out was to ask and boy, was I overwhelmed with gratitude at the number of people eager to help me out. I quickly created a STORY CATCHER STREET TEAM and here are some of the wonderful supporters of my work who told me they would be happy to review my book:

Bain, Karen
Milhollan, Robin
Cox, Tracey M
Snow, Meradeth 
Taylor Saba N
Irwin, Christine
Jensen, Stacy 
DeWitt, Johnell
LaCroix, Debbie 
Call, Kirstine 
McPherson, Kim
Lin, Emily
Reid, Jennifer 
Cho, Tina
Brock, Belinda
Hill, Susanna 
Sadd, Donna
Marple, Joanna
Bayar, Amanda
Vucak, Stefan
Weibel, Erik

Others signed up to be part of my book tour and still others will show their support through the actual purchase of my book. I have tremendous respect for those willing to review my book and I value their honest opinion of THE STORY CATCHER. I know some will like it while others might not find it to be their cup of tea. But that's okay! I value ALL reviews...positive and negative...because I see validation of my work in the good and challenges to improving the commercial appeal of my stories in the bad. Always a lesson to be learned on that path to publication.

I've also listed some blogs and websites below who offer all types of book reviews. Some support the smaller presses, some are on a much larger scale but ALL have one thing in common...a deep, sincere love of books!

Bergers Book Reviews...
Association for Library Service to Children...
Through The Looking Glass...
Readers Favorite...

What about you? Do you know of a book review blog or website to add to my list? If so, please share by commenting below.

Oh other thing. How do you like the latest promotional piece I made today to help support my new brand identity?


  1. Mother Daughter Book Reviews is a great site for book reviews! :) Love your posts, Donna!

    1. Hi Christine! Thank you for your kind words and thanks for the addition to my list...I'll have to check them out...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. You can add me to the list. My name is Jaclyn M. Bartz. I am an independent book reviewer and volunteer book reviewer for the Midwest Book Review--check out Jaclyn's Bookshelf on the Reviewer's Bookwatch Newsletter published monthly by MBR. I review Children's &YA books 0-14 with my children, so the author can get a perspective about their work from their target audience (and my kids are honest; if they don't like it they will tell me). Check me out at or If you would like to email me: theretiredtoothfairy (at) outlook (dot) com. Thank you! Best wishes!

    1. Hi Jaclyn and welcome to my blog! I will definitely add you to the list and will gladly get in touch with you closer to my release date. Thank you so much for the offer!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Yay! I can't wait! :D

    1. HI Erik...I can't either! ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
