Title: Extraordinary Jane
Author/Illustrators: Hannah E Harrison
Publisher: Dial Books For Young Readers
Ages: 4 to 8
Synopsis: Jane is ordinary. Her family is extraordinary. Can one little dog find her place in the circus just by being herself?
Why you should read it: I enjoy reading all types of picture books from adventurous to slightly scary to silly. But when a picture book blends sharply crafted words with amazing illustrations to help pass along a life lesson to it's audience, I usually sit up and pay special attention. Ms. Harrison has written a simple tale about an adorable mutt and combined it with vibrant artwork to not only immerse her readers into the world of the circus, but to also reinforce the idea that just being oneself still can make a person special in someone else's eyes!
Like-O-Meter Rating: 5 out of 5...grab it!
Such a cute picture book!! Nice review!
ReplyDeleteHi Linda and welcome to my blog! I LOVED the artwork in this book and wanted to study IT much more that reading the actual story...;~)
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I must get this! :D
ReplyDeleteHi Erik! It's really a lovely story but I was mesmerized by the wonderful illustrations.
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