Monday, February 27, 2012

What's It Worth To You?

There is a saying that goes "a picture is worth a thousand words".  I guess I'm trying to test that theory and I need your help.  Today my blog was given a critique by Laura Barnes at Laura B Writer ( ).  I am very honored that she was willing to review my blog as I have only been doing this three months now and look to more seasoned bloggers for their wisdom and insight into what is best for blogs in general.

But her critique certainly made me think about a few things.  She said I had too many pictures in my blogs and it takes longer to load onto mobile devices.  The pictures I use in my blog are a vital part of my post itself but I wonder if in the name of "progress", I should limit pictures to one or two?  What do you think?  A lot of people visit my blog because of the pictures so will it hurt the overall feel of the blog to remove them?

She also said that blog posts should never be overly long.  My blogs average about 350 words but maybe they seem longer because of the pictures?  My posts can be shortened, but then would the "message" be lost?

I will let YOU,  dear readers,  be the judge!  Stand up and be counted!  Please leave a comment and let me know what do you think about the possibility of removing the pictures and/or shortening my daily posts.  I want my blog to be something you enjoy so here is your chance to chime in!  If the majority of the comments say they don't like all the photos, then I will stop.  If you say you are falling asleep before you reach the end of my post, I will cut them shorter.

Thanks, everyone...because where would I be without my readers?


  1. When I participated in a blog critique a while back I received similar criticism. I decided to alter the length of my posts for variety and I limit the photos. I also like to offer a variety of topics so people won't get bored. Your focus is writing, but I'm willing to bet there are other facets of your life that are equally interesting, like that black belt of yours.

    1. Yes, Stephen, I could write many blog posts about other things of interest to me but I decided when I first started this blog that the ONLY focus would be on encouraging other well as myself...with inspirational writing post and to add in other topics would defeat that goal...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I don't think your posts are long at all , no way! ..mmm.. about the photos, I like how you use them to make a point, they reflect what you are saying, add depth in your post, I like them... but if you are going to cut out any, then maybe one or two... NOT ALL. Hope that helps

    1. Thanks, Diane, for your input. I guess I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't boring people with my picture

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. mmmm...I've never participated in a blog critique but I guess it's like a story crit. The person on the the other end offers suggestions for additions, deletes, word count and changes, basically their overall opinion.
    I don't feel that I can crit yours or anyone else's blog at this point. I can hardly get my own out once a week! I don't read on a mobile unit so loading of pictures isn't a problem. Blogs are so different and unique. As with any critique, listen, consider the suggestions, but in the end it's your blog so you decide.

    1. I agree with you, Mona, I've been thinking about it today and I really can't change my writing style to suit anyone else, otherwise it would no longer be me...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I don't mind the pictures because I don't read your posts on a mobile device - always on my computer - so I don't have a loading problem. I like the pictures and think they go well with your posts. I also don't have a problem with the post length - it works fine for me. I do have trouble keeping up with daily posts, so there are many days I read and don't comment, and lately I've been trying not to be online on weekends - there's a burnout factor! - but as long as you don't mind that I might miss a post here and there, I think you're On The Write Track :)

    1. Awwww, thanks Susanna, for your kind words! Like I;ve told you before...I feel honored that you take the time to read my posts! I know my readers have very busy lives which is why I am so touched when someone's such a nice feeling that people care enough to do that...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I actually look forward to the pictures and wonder how in the heck you have the time to find such relevant must be the queen of Google or what ever "search" you use to find the pictures. I can see how they would slow things down on a mobile device, but I read your blog on my computer. I, too, don't read it every day because I have so many things I need to get done each day. But I do try to stop by once or twice a week. How do I choose? Honestly, it just random. The reason I chose to day is the title because I had just read a totally cute picture book that has a train element and it has been on my mind. (In fact, I may review it for Perfect Picture Book Friday.) So the word track in the title caught my eye :-) Speaking of length...this comment is going a little long, isn't it? Good luck with your blog decisions.

    1. Thanks, Penny, for stopping by! I had to laugh when I read that you called me the "queen of Google". I usually just come up with an idea, do a search for random pictures and let them inspire me for my post!

      I hope you are having a great week and come back any time!

  6. Most of the peeps who read your blog are probably doing on a computer and not a mobile device. I think it's your blog and you should do it your way. Maybe cut out one or two pics if you feel you have to but definitely not all of them :)

    Universal Gibberish

    1. Awww, thanks Anna! I was thinking maybe I would cut down the number but I can't cut them ALL out...otherwise the blog would no longer be ME...know what I mean?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. Donna, why don't you try to limit the photos to two, and see what happens. I do like your choice of photos, and you certainly have good things to say that make me ponder!

    1. Thanks, Jarm...I try my best to keep my readers on their

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  8. I like all of the photos. Keep the ones at the beginning and end. One in the middle isn't too much to ask, either.
    I don't think your blogs are too long. I don't know why you should sacrifice any of it just because the phone-readers have difficulty. They may need to get better devices.
    I am a 19th century analog person trying to fit into the modern world, so forgive me if I go too far.

    1. Even a 19th century analog person has a right to enjoy a blog post every now and then...with or without

      Thanks, Janet, for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. It's very insightful to have someone critique your blog, your manuscript, or anything else, but you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. It's good to have pictures with your posts. Yes you don't want to overload with them, but I like seeing a few with a post. And I definitely don't think your posts are too long. Write for your readers. That's what really matters!

    1. Thanks, Melody, that's what I try to do with every post. And if the comments are any indication, my readers seem to enjoy what I write about as well as the pictures.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. I haven't read the other comments yet, so I may be repeating something that has already been said.

    What I thought after reading the critique, and after thinking about your posts is that it's not the length of your posts in terms of either writing or photos, it's the template design of your blog.

    Because the area that you post in is so long and thin, and really doesn't take up even half of your "blog real estate" your posts seem longer than they really are.

    Perhaps if you tried out a different template that gave more space to the blog posts, which is, after all, what people come here to read, and less space to the side bars, that would alleviate the appearance of your posts being "too long".

    Having just one sidebar, and a post area that was twice the width of the current one, would put people's attention where you want it, on the thoughts you're sharing. You might want to go smaller on the image size, but as you say, the images are a key part of your posts.

    Just a side note -- changing templates might alleviate the "grey lettering in the comments" problem, as well.

    1. I like your input, Beth, and will tinker around with my blog to see how I can tweak things. As for the background...I don't have it because I like the mountains...I have it because I LOVE what looks like raindrops on a window pane. It is sooooo calming a visual to me. But I do understand about the darkness for others so I am sure I will think of something to help my readers view my blog in a better manner.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. Donna, I agree with what Jarm said. I like the photos, but because they break up the text in a lot of places, it can make the posts more difficult to read. I think a couple per post is more than enough to get your point across.

    Also, have you considered blogging just 3-4 days a week? I don't think you would lose any followers - old or new, but you might prevent burning yourself out. I know how much work it is to blog, and probably most of your readers can't read every post anyway (myself included). Just a thought. If you are enjoying blogging every day, then by all means continue!!

    1. Thanks, Julie, for stopping by! When I started this blog I challenged myself to write every day for the first year and then re-evaluate how I would present my blog. I LOVE doing this blog and as long as I have readers I will post. I know everyone has busy lives and can't come by every day but every day there is a chance that someone NEW might want to visit and I want something fresh to greet them when they do!

      Please come back any time!

  12. I like your blog just the way it is. I look forward to it each day. The pictures are usually stunning and the commentary with them is always thoughtful. I have RT almost all of them since I started receiving them. If you wanted to do fewer days to avoid burn, I'd understand. I wouldn't change anything else. Not true - please change the color of the font on your comment section. The light grey is very difficult to read.

    1. Thanks, Richard, for stopping by and for your kind words! I also want you to know that I appreciate the shout-out you do with my posts. I am working on the light grey in the comment section because I agree that it IS hard to read them so hopefully I will get that corrected soon. I have a reason and a goal behind my posting every day but will decide next year if I will continue posting daily or go to some type of modified .

      Please come back any time!

  13. I've never participated in a blog critique. I've had a friend suggest some changes for mine, which did seem to help my blog.

    I think first and foremost, you have to be happy with your blog content. If you're not, then why blog. It goes from being fun to feeling like a chore. That said, I think just a couple of pictures can still help get your point across. When lots of pictures break up what you are saying, it can make the post seem quite long.

    Best wishes with whatever you decide!


    1. Thanks, Susanne, for your kind words...I agree that I should enjoy wirting...EPESCIALLY if I'm doing it every

      I'm glad you stopped by and come back any time!

  14. Saying hi from the writer's campaign and to tell you that you've been tagged. You can find the rules at my place. Congrats.

    I'm a new follower so won't chime in with my views on the critique but will look forward to your posts fellow children's writer. :)

    1. Thanks, Clarbojahn, for stopping by! Please give me your website or blog address so that I might read the rules of "tagging". I've been seeing this on other blogs but you are the first person to "tag" ME...;0)...

      Please come back any time...

  15. Donna, I think (or I hope) that this whole experience has taught you one thing: only you can know what's best for your blog. You enjoy blogging daily and you made a commitment to do so. So do it! You use pics to tell your story. So do it! Like I said, you know what's best.

    FYI: you can change the background image and still use this template if it's the raindrops you like. As for the comments, I have a pretend blog so I can try to duplicate things when people ask questions, and I can't duplicate the light gray comments. My comments change to the same color as my posts so I can't help you there. And finally, as someone else said, if you are married to the idea of two sidebars, you could at least expand the post width. That would show less dark. But again, its your blog - you know what's best.

    1. Laura, I want to thank you for the lovely critique you did on my blog Monday. I feel honored to be counted among the bloggers you have given such wonderful insight on how to improve their blogs!

      I am going to take all your wonderful suggestions and try this weekend to try to tweak how this site looks. The grey comments are really bugging me and I have tried and tried to change it but no luck so far...that's what I get for knowing just enough about computers to be

      Thanks for stopping by and please come back any time!

    2. I wan't wait to see what you do! I wish I could figure out the gray comments. It's been bugging me on my practice blog. I just don't know why mine won't do what yours does. Sigh. Wonderful world of blogger!

    3. Laura, maybe if I change the background it will change the color. I REALLY want to keep these raindrops but I don't think I will be able to...;0(...oh well, all in the name of progress!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  16. Hi, Donna,

    Me again. I've just been playing about in design on my own Blogger blog, and the size of the post area is definitely adjustable (Go into Design, then Template Designer, then near the top on the left you'll see various things you can work with, click on Adjust Widths, and you can adjust the sidebar widths, and that will automatically change the middle post area width.)

    Also, I've been looking at templates. I couldn't find yours, so I couldn't see if the comment color is part and parcel of the template itself. I did find how to change the color of the post text, and that changed the color of my comment text as well. Again, go into Design, then Template Designer, choose Advanced, and you can format font and color for Page Text. See if choosing Black for page text changes the color of your comments. (or blue, or something, just to test the color change, although I think blue would be hard to read.)

    Hope this helps your weekend tweaking!

  17. I like your new template, and the comments are much easier to read this way. Looks like you are doing some awesome things with your blog, but then again you were to begin with.

    1. Lol...thanks, Hannah, for your kind words. I really like the look of my blog now and I'm glad my readers do too!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
