Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back To My Future

My future ran into a brick wall last night.  Before yesterday, I was cruising along on the internet highway at breakneck speed.  I stopped to visit old friends and picked up new ones along the way.  I still had time to read my mail and even catch a video while I worked on my latest project.

But technology can be  a monster sometimes.  It can refuse to cooperate while tempting you with treasures just beyond your reach. 

In the name of progress, I changed my internet connection yesterday.  I was told everything was working. 

Last night I realized I had no access to the internet.  I was dead in the water, mere inches from everything I needed to work on and no way to get there.  How could this have happened to me?

I actually sat there a moment, staring at the screen in disbelief.  I even felt a moment's panic.  How would I get back to my future?

Writer's today exist in a different world than the ones who came before us.  Steinbeck and Poe didn't have to worry about bandwidth.  Bronte and Dickenson wouldn't have stopped writing because Google wasn't available.

So I returned to my writer roots last night.  I sat down with an old fashioned pen and paper while letting my imagination provide the visuals for this post.  I survived my step back into time.  My internet problems will be resolved soon.  In the meantime I will borrow my computer time and hope my internet friends and colleagues will understand.  I will be back to my future in due time.

But what about those historic writers?  I'm pretty sure even those guys had issues getting their writing done...


  1. I'm sorry you have run into that wall. So, for now,you can join me in my analog world. This will give you a moment to breathe before you get back on the highway.

    1. Thanks, Janet, for stopping by! Yes, I consider this my pit stop before I get back in the race!

      Have a great day and come back any time!

  2. You are certainly right about historic writers having trouble with their writing. I think that's a page from Chaucer you've posted. He had trouble getting people interested in "The Canterbury Tales" because he'd written it in English instead of Latin. At the time English was the language of the boorish and uneducated. Nice post. Thanks.

    1. What a fascinating bit of history, Stephen! I must confess though, I selected that picture based soley on the fact I thought it was

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I'm sure they did! But I sometimes envy them not being distracted by the internet, or not having to feel guilty because they're social media time is infringing on their writing time or vice versa :)

    1. Susanna, I can't even begin to imagine how you handle what must be a deluge in emails as well as other social media posts that demand your attention, now that you are a published author. I can certainly relate about the guilt feelings because I blog, write, handle a full time job that demands up to 14 hours a day from me AND my poor cat craves attention every time I step inside my

      Thanks for taking some of your precious time to stop by and come back any time!

  4. Hi, I'm glad I found you through Bill Kirkwrites. WE are not alone. ;)

    1. Hi Carol! Thanks for stopping by! I just discovered Bill's blog the other day but I like it! I love this writer's community where there is so much support and knowledge to surround us.

      Have a great weekend and come back any time!

  5. Hoping everything gets connected okay. Yeah I am at times wondering what if I didn't have the internet and just sat and wrote on paper with pen and let the screen world go by..... nah... doesn't bear thinking about. :-)

    1. I am much too addicted to the internet to live without it, Diane. Why do you think I was having a momentary panic when I couldn't access it? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
