Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The ABC's Of A Good Writer

You will notice that I didn't title today's post as The ABC's Of Good WRITING.  I want to talk about The ABC's Of A Good WRITER.  There's a big difference.  One talks about all the different technical aspects of producing a quality piece of writing.  The other looks into the essence of what it takes to be a quality writer.  No matter what genre, what style, or even what age the writer; you can usually find the following qualities to be the same among the strong writers out there.

A is for attitude.  By that I mean an openness to be able to learn from others.  Without my willingness to believe my TaeKwonDo instructor had something to teach me, I would never have achieved my 4th Degree Black Belt ranking I now hold.  Without my eagerness to delve into the world of professional writing, I never would have discovered all these lovely friendships and camaraderie with my new writer friends.  I have accumulated an unbelievable amount of knowledge from them, and I'm not sure how I will ever be able to thank them.  Maybe I'll write a book and dedicate it to all of them.  Just remember, the right attitude keeps moving you forward, the wrong attitude mires you down in muck.

B is for balance.  Balance in all aspects of your life.  If you are stressed out at your full time job which pays the bills, it might reflect in the quality of your writing.  If you spend all day reading blogs and searching for all the articles out there on perfect plot, it might reflect in the quality of your writing.  If you spend countless hours sitting and wondering if you are good enough to even try to be a writer, it might reflect in the quality of your writing.   You have got to find that happy balance between actually BEING a good writer, and becoming one of those good writer WANNABEES.

C is for curiosity.   George has it.  So must you.  Be curious about the world you live in.  Play detective and search out the answers to all the questions out there.  Why can the hummingbird fly?  Who really engraved Dighton Rock?  What happened to the lighthouse keeper at Eilean Mor Lighthouse?  Ahh, wouldn't you like to know?  Go in search of all the wonder out there and be sure you take along your notebook.  You never know when something might strike a cord in your writer's heart and demand that you write it down.

If I were to add one other letter, I would have to say D is for determination.  Never give up.  Ever.  For if in your heart of hearts, you think you are a writer, then you are absolutely right.  But that fine discovery does not make you a GOOD one.  But it CAN help you to become an ambitious writer who does not let  challenges get in their way of succeeding at their writing goals.  And all those skills learned along the way form the foundation of becoming not a good writer, but a GREAT one!

As for me, I'm a newbie at this writing thing.  I'm stretching my wings and seeing where I soar.  There is only one thing that might need adjusting tho...


  1. Good thoughts, Donna! Great inspiration, as always. I find the Balance one particularly challenging. It's hard to achieve a good balance between writing and blogging and facebooking and everything else. But it's so important.

    Thanks, as always!

    1. Balance is the most challenging for me as well. Probably for most writers. Let's see...there are 24 hours in each day...7 for sleeping (if I'm lucky) and that leaves 17...I'm usually working about 12 hours each day at the school...that leaves 5...3 1/2 hours for getting ready, eating, and travel time...that leaves about 1 1/2 hours per day to devote to writing...no wonder I always feel like I'm running backwards! Lol

      Thanks for stopping by...come back any time!

  2. Yes this is definately a great post. I agree with Beth, Balance is a tricky one, with work, life, writing, blogging, facebook and everything else....*sigh*..
    Curiosity and a swift kick of Determination soon gets me out of the rut!.. :-)

    1. Sometimes, Diane, we just need a gentle reminder of the "hows" of staying on the right track. You can do it!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Great post, Donna, and a very timely reminder for me after one of those really hard rejection letters yesterday that left me feeling like I'd chosen the wrong path. Attitude! Determination! Easier said than done, but crucial! :)

    1. Awww, Susanna, what WAS that publisher thinking? Of COURSE you are a FABULOUS writer...anyone can see that if they just read your books. Just try to remember that anything that was said in that rejection letter was not a personal attack at you...simply one publisher's opinion of what THEY think should be presented to the world. The publishers turning down Harry Potter felt the same way and BOY, WERE THEY WRONG!! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Thank you for the kind words, Donna! I feel better :)

  4. Thanks for the post! These are great to keep in mind. :)

  5. Well, Vicki, I try! Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
