
Monday, January 22, 2018

Is There A Computer Heaven?

I think I have been extremely fortunate over the years when it comes to computers. My first couple of computers were given to me by my techy son who liked to change computers almost as often as he changed his underwear.

After the last one he gave me finally died a few years ago, a techy friend of my boss gave me a used school computer for free. It wasn't as versatile as I would have liked but how could I not be grateful when it was FREE?

When that one died in 2016, the same techy friend gave me a second used school computer and I thought I was destined to plug away at my writerly career on cast off computers salvaged from the local high school.

Two weeks ago my current computer decided to do something REALLY hinky and forget it's own server! Then came it's confusion on figuring out what the internet was and what it was used for. Finally it decided it was having so much fun swirling around in a vortex of bouncing around between the missing server and trying to figure out what the internet was used for, it stopped even attempting to close down itself at all!

Being a non-techy person in a highly techy world, I have tried to figure out what type of computer I need that will fit within my poor gal's budget. I've finally figured out what RAM means, and I'm pretty sure I've deciphered gigabytes and processor capacity. I've even gone to places like Staples and Best Buy in search of a new computer but my eyes started to glaze over staring at all those pretty computers with all their pretty price tags.

WHO needs a computer that costs $3000? A secret agent? The government of some poor, obscure  third world country who wouldn't even know what the internet was, much less how to turn the darn thing on?

Which makes me wonder...

Is there a computer heaven out there where faithful units get to go at the end of their usefulness, trolling the internet all day and playing endless rounds of online games? Or are they simply cast off like unwanted trash to pile up in a corner somewhere...fried and forgotten?

Goodbye old computer. We had fun working together to create many a manuscript and blog post over the years. Thanks for the tireless hours of research you provided in our mutual pursuit of the next writerly idea. You will be missed, but I must move on and forge a new bond with my next best friend just waiting for me to discover it somewhere out there in that great big techy world just beyond my door...

ARE YOU THE MISSING PIECE? is now available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, and other fine retailers. It was a #1 bestseller in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US last fall.


International best selling author, Donna L Martin, has been writing since she was eight years old. She is a 4th Degree Black Belt Taekwondo Instructor by day and a 'ninja' writer of children’s picture books, chapter books and young adult novels by night. Donna is a BOOK NOOK REVIEWS host and past book reviewer for Harper Collins, She is also a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators and Children's Book Insider. Donna is a lover of dark chocolate, time at the beach, and well written stories.


  1. I use old computer parts to make Cat Sculptures. Gives them new life and a new purpose. (I think I just got a story idea)

    1. Hi Stephen and welcome to my blog! How nice you can create beauty out of things others would dismiss as junk!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I have never had a new computer. I do very little online so I am satisfied with used computers, as long as they work. I hope you find a reliable new one that you can afford and not have to give up a limb for. (I know which limb.)

    1. Lol...keeping my fingers crossed, Janet, that I don't have to give up ANY limbs...even ones that are bothersome...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Hmmm... good things to wonder for sure!! Good luck on your hunt for a new computer pal. In the meantime, thak God for libraries and free internet!!!

    1. Theresa, my local library knows me oh so well...😉

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Absolutely Theresa...and for a kind boss who lets me use the company computer before regular work hours...;-)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Here's hoping you find a good computer to last you awhile my friend.
