
Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Image result for angels' share james markert

Title: The Angels' Share
Author: James Markert
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Books
Ages: Adult

Now that Prohibition has ended, what the townspeople of Twisted Tree, Kentucky, need most is the revival of the Old Sam Bourbon distillery. But William McFee knows it'll take a miracle to convince his father, Barley, to once more fill his family's aging house with barrels of bourbon.

When a drifter recently buried near the distillery begins to draw crowds of pilgrims, the McFees are dubious. Yet miracles seem to come to those who once interacted with the deceased and to those now praying at his grave. As people descend on the town to visit the "Potter's Field Christ," William seeks to find the connection between the tragic death of his younger brother and the mysterious drifter.

But as news spreads about the miracles at the potter's field, the publicity threatens to bring the depth of Barley's secret past to light and put the entire McFee family in jeopardy.

Why You Should Consider It:

For admirers of historical fiction, THE ANGEL'S SHARE will certainly meet, if not exceed, their expectations.

The story begins just at the end of Prohibition when the McFee family had to close down the family bourbon distillery. They managed to survive, and even succeed, in living well while those around them struggled to deal with their changing financial situations.

In the middle of this social and economic chaos, a homeless person is found dead. The only logical place to bury him is in the local "Potter's Field" but soon miracles begin happening and the little town of Twisted Tree becomes a mecca for souls struggling to find meaning in a world turned upside down by the Great Depression.

Author James Markert weaves an captivating story around true historical places and events in Kentucky history like the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Rose Island, and Lakeland Lunatic Asylum.

Anyone interested in learning more about the bourbon industry and exploring the possibility of true miracles will enjoy reading THE ANGELS' SHARE. Worth considering adding to any home library.

Like-O-Meter Rating: 4 out of 5...think about it.


**Rating scale**

 5 out of 5...grab it!
 4 out of 5...think about it.
 3 out of 5...take it or leave it.
 2 out of 5...maybe not for you.
 1 out of 5...forget about it!

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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”) 


  1. Replies
    1. Janet, I can loan it to you...;-)

      Thanks fir stopping by and come back any time!
