
Monday, February 6, 2017


To all my current and future #DCSPeeps (DECIDE, COMMIT, SUCCEED), welcome to my new series in my continuing effort to inspire, amuse, and entertain you! Each Monday I will select a new word to analyze how it might apply to our writing lives and also give you a peek into my childhood growing up in the swamps of southern Louisiana, so kick back, put your feet up, and check out my story about TODAY'S WORD:


One of the houses I lived in before moving away from my hometown had a long sidewalk running from the front porch and splitting the front yard in two before reaching the street in front of our house. 

The front porch allowed my sister and I to imagine ourselves anywhere from living in a fancy mansion to crossing a vast desert on horseback to even entertaining the "troops" during some distant war.

We would crank up the transistor radio, grab our pretend mikes (mine would usually be an old hairbrush), and sashay down the steps to sing our hearts out for all those imaginary soldiers cheering for us as they sat on the green grass of our front yard. Sometimes, we would even put on a fashion show, gliding down that sidewalk like it was a Milan runway and I was the star of the show.

Even then I was making up stories to ENTERTAIN others.

Writers are the dreamers of dreams and teller of tales. We imagine those far off worlds and the people who inhabit them. Dancing with fairies and riding the stars, we will weave amazing stories for those who look to us to inspire, motivate, or ENTERTAIN them. And if we are lucky, something in our stories will touch them in some way that the gift of words we gave them will live in their hearts long after we have written them.

Children's book author, Donna L Martin, has been writing since she was eight years old. She is a 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo by day and a 'ninja' writer of children’s picture books, middle grade chapter books and young adult novels by night. Donna is a BOOK NOOK REVIEWS host providing the latest book reviews on all genres of children’s books. She is also a book reviewer for Harper Collins, and a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. Donna is a lover of dark chocolate, good stories, and an adoptive mom to 20-pound guard kitty in Knoxville, Tennesse


  1. I believe my whole family was dreamers. My one older brother and I never stopped dreaming where we set goals, until he entered heaven and me, I am still dreaming.

    1. Hi Life! There is nothing wrong with dreamers. There would be no Internet for me to meet all the lovely people who visit my blog without years ago some dreamer thinking "what if?"...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Would love to have been a fly on the wall back Can imagine the wolf whistles.. ;) I used to dance and sing/mime to records in my Mum's huge lounge way back then, as long as no one was around or in hearing Yep! I'm a dreamer alright!

    1. Lol, Diane...oh the stories I could tell...and WILL some day...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Do you remember the porch being our Mardi Gras parade float? And we would throw beaded necklaces out to the "crowd" watching as we went by.

    1. Lol, now that you mention it...yes I do...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
