***I have a number of writing deadlines coming up over the next couple of months so I have decided instead of stepping away from my blog completely to concentrate solely on my writing, I will bring back an encore performance of my WRITERLY WISDOM series from three years ago. WW is 52 glorious posts by authors, agents, and editors from around the country providing writerly wisdom in categories from why even become a writer all the way to how to publish and market your books.
will be two posts loaded per week...Mondays & Wednesdays...so be
sure to stop by and check out all the encouraging information given by
my lovely writerly friends! I hope you enjoy the encore presentation of
my WRITERLY WISDOM series and I will return with shiny, new posts in
the fall!***
Getting Schooled About School Visits
by Marcie Colleen
So we’re going to talk about school visits. But first, let’s quickly squash
negativity and acknowledge the elephants in the room.
I am sure you have heard…
1) Because of
stringent budget cuts, schools have very little money to spend on author visits
these days.
2) Because of
the Common Core State Standards, teachers have very little classroom time to
devote to special events like author visits.
So we should all just give up the idea of school visits,
right? WRONG!
You see, school visits to kidlit authors are like
crowd-surfing to a rockstar. It’s
the perfect way to connect with our audience on an intimate level. In fact, these visits have the power,
if done right, to transform even the most reluctant child into a lifelong
reader and maybe even a writer.
“Hello, Elephant!”
It is true that with a majority of focus being devoted to
the Common Core State Standards, instructional time is scarce. And, with increased budget constraints,
there isn’t a lot of money.
“So then how do you propose we do school visits, Marcie?”
I’m glad you asked.
Today I give you two tips that will set you on the path to
successful school trips.
1) Make
it as easy as possible for the teachers
2) Give
teachers the biggest bang for their buck
Let’s break these both down individually.
Make it as easy as possible for the teachers.
Yes. Teachers are
overworked and underappreciated.
And although they might really want to bring you into their classroom,
sometimes it just seems like way too much for work them. How can you make it easier?
Provide a FREE downloadable Teacher’s Guide or a few
lesson plans. Not only can
teachers use these materials to quickly introduce your book to their class,
they can also use these materials as a validation for your school visit. No longer will they have to write a
proposal or spend hours in a meeting convincing their department or
administration that your book has value.
The Teacher’s Guide or lesson plan packet will do the convincing for
Create a Pre-Visit Package. I was recently reading How to Promote Your Children’s Book by Katie Davis. First off, I highly recommend this
e-book. The chapter on School
Visits is very informative. In it,
Davis discusses her “school visits packet” that she provides before the actual
visit. This package includes
posters to hang all over the school announcing the upcoming event, “backpack
flyers” to send home with the kids, and a handy checklist which lays out what
the teacher can do in the 6 weeks leading up to the visit! Again, we are making it easy for the
teachers and in doing so, you will be hyping kids up and getting them (and the
teacher) invested in your visit.
This is priceless and well worth the few hours it will take to initially
develop these materials.
Make your visit affordable. I said AFFORDABLE, not FREE! That’s
right. I don’t believe you should
be doing these visits for free, but you can provide a few options that schools
can choose from based on their financial situation. Skype visits can be a wonderful option and cut down on
travel costs. Having two schools
share the cost for a combined workshop at a host location is another
option. Or giving discounts for
second school referrals or second day workshops can provide incentive for the
school to save money while also garnering you more work. The key here is to provide options that
are fair to both you and the school.
Give teachers the biggest bang
for their buck.
So, you are not going to do school visits for free
which means you have homework to do.
That’s right. Reading your
fabulous picture book to the class of 25 first graders will take all of 5-10
minutes. Not good enough for a
school visit. Time to get
· Shadow
a successful school presenter. Learn from the best. Before you baptize yourself with fire,
think again. Are there other
authors in your area who you might be able to accompany on a future visit? Ask them! I have learned that the kidlit community is very
generous. The worst they can say
is no. And maybe if you can’t
actually go to the school with them, you can at least pick their brain to help
you plan your own presentation.
Another wonderful resource is Alexis
O’Neill’s website. Alexis is
the goddess of school visits!
Learn from her.
· Remember
it’s a presentation! Although
the “best of the best” make presenting look easy and off-the-cuff, it is a
presentation. Meaning, you have to
prepare. And if you are going into
schools and kids are involved, nothing is predictable. So be armed with a presentation which
will serve as your plan to success.
Nothing will take as long as you think it will. That “introductory speech” about who
you are and where your ideas come from that you think will take up the first 15 minutes will only take
3. Therefore, plan and over
· Always
include a hands-on component.
This is where you can slow things down and make a 5 minute activity into
a 15 minute activity. So, develop
a craft or a writing assignment (taking into consideration the age of the
students) that fits your book.
It’s a wonderful way to take the spotlight off of you, if you have a
little stage fright. I recently
attended a bookstore event. The
author was kind of shy, yet she handled the session beautifully. First, she gave a little background on
herself and the creation of her book.
She followed with a reading of the picture book. And then, she taught a simple craft
that tied into the theme of the book.
Suddenly she didn’t have to be “onstage” anymore and was able to sit on
the floor and engage with her biggest fans. In addition, kids and teachers love it when they have
something concrete to keep after the visit.
Even if you are not currently published you can start to
develop your plan for successful school visits. Hopefully the tips above will help. But most importantly, remember…this is
school so DO YOUR HOMEWORK and you’ll be crowd-surfing visiting schools in no time!
Marcie Colleen is the Education Consultant for Picture
Book Month. She has been in education for 18 years with a bachelor’s degree in
Education of English and Language Arts from Oswego State University and a
Master’s degree in Educational Theater from New York University. She is a former New York classroom
teacher and has served as a curriculum creator for the Central New York
Institute of Aesthetic Education, Syracuse Stage, Tony Randall’s National
Actors Theater, and various Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. She was the Director of Education for
TADA! Youth Theater in NYC creating and managing educational programming reaching
over 30,000 students and families in the NYC Metro area a year. Her Teacher’s Guides for picture books
and middle grade novels can be found at www.thisismarciecolleen.com.
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