***I have a number of writing deadlines coming up over the next couple of months so I have decided instead of stepping away from my blog completely to concentrate solely on my writing, I will bring back an encore performance of my WRITERLY WISDOM series from three years ago. WW is 52 glorious posts by authors, agents, and editors from around the country providing writerly wisdom in categories from why even become a writer all the way to how to publish and market your books.
will be two posts loaded per week...Mondays & Wednesdays...so be
sure to stop by and check out all the encouraging information given by
my lovely writerly friends! I hope you enjoy the encore presentation of
my WRITERLY WISDOM series and I will return with shiny, new posts in
the fall!***
Building Tension
by Nicole Zoltack
is such an important part of writing. The greater the tension, the higher the
stakes, the faster a reader will turn pages and the greater the chance that a
reader will be so gripped and caught up in your story, they’ll read it all in
one sitting!
how do you build tension in your story?
and Action – Pacing and tension go hand in hand. Pacing revs up during a
conflict and then slows down after it’s resolved until the next conflict point.
As the story continues on, the slowing down period shortens as tension ramps up
as the climax nears. During action, high-paced scenes, use shorter sentences
and sparingly use adjectives and adverbs. Shorter sentences heighten paces and
increases tension. Choose heavy duty action verbs. Moving the story along at a
faster pace with action helps to build tension.
ticking clock – A deadline, a race against the clock, is a strong way to
heighten tension. Any time a goal has to be reached by a set amount of time,
the tension is automatically raised. Drama, suspense, tension—all results from
a ticking clock. If a serial killer is taunting the police, leaving them clues
as to who they are going to kill next, promising they will kill again and
again, the police officers are going to be scrambling to locate the murderer
before he can kill again. Talk about tension! Especially if the clues point to
a family member of a police officer, or even a police officer himself.
– Increasing the stakes build tension. If your character’s sister is kidnapped,
there is plenty of conflict. If the ransom call comes in and demands more money
than they could ever afford, the stakes are raised. If they rob a bank to get
the money and are caught, the stakes are even higher because now they have to
elude the police and still find a way to get the money. And if their brother is
then kidnapped… Stakes can be built upon to build tension throughout the story.
– Make it as hard as possible for the main character to reach their goal. Block
them at every turn. If the reader fears the character will not succeed, the
tension will be sky high. The bleaker the outlook for the character, the more
the tension. Going back to the ransom story, if the main character is the next
one to be kidnapped, but by different people than the ones who have his
siblings, that is a huge obstacle for the main character to overcome.
stories need different levels of tension. A suspenseful mystery will need a ton
of tension. A romantic comedy, not quite as much. Determine the level of
tension that is correct for your story and then add that amount of tension
through pacing action, timing, stakes, and obstacles. Tension is a wonderful
tool in a writer’s arsenal. Do not overlook it.
Zoltack is the author of The Kingdom of Arnhem trilogy: Woman of Honor, Knight
of Glory, and Champion of Valor. Black Hellebore, the first book in a superhero
romance trilogy, will be released on October 21st. She loves to write romances
with lots of tension, and it’s no surprise her favorite TV show is the
action-packed The Walking Dead. To learn more about Nicole and her works, visit
www.NicoleZoltack.com or her blog at
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