Friday, March 13, 2015


 ("Old Bridge, Ilkley (22nd March 2013)" by Mtaylor848)

Tears streaming down her face, Lacey raced to the bridge. She was numb to the branches scratching her arms and the winter wind tangling her hair. Her attention was focused on the destination. She had to get to the bridge in time.

Lacey broke through the trees just as the sun slid from behind dark clouds. Ahead of her were moss-covered stone and snow stung her eyes as she stumbled toward the bridge’s edge. Exhausted, she paused a moment to rest her head against the cold post as memories of Tommy washed over her.

“You promised!” He said.

Lacey looked at him with tear filled eyes. “I know, but now I’m not so sure.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her softly, almost apologetically, before saying, “You know she will never stop. This is the only way. If two people believe in something strongly enough then even the impossible becomes possible.”

She hung her head. “Yes, I know.”

Lacey’s thoughts returned to the stone beneath her hands as his voice echoed into the night, “I’ll love you forever.”

Slowly she made her way to the middle of the bridge. Stopping long enough to register the sound of hounds barking in the distance, she reached into her pocket. Trembling fingers closed around cold steel for a moment before Lacey let it slip into the dark waters below.

It was done. Now to get away before the dogs caught up to her…


  1. If Lacey is a swimmer, she needs to jump into the water and skeedaddle out of the area.

    1. Yep, but then she might die of exposure.

    2. Hi Janet & Misha! You ladies are too funny! I have other plans for Lacey as this is my main character of a YA mystery I'm halfway through writing...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. This feels like the appropriate time for me to say, "Dun, dun, dunnnnn!" :D

    1. Hi Carrie! That's funny...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
