Monday, March 3, 2014

New Age Marketing Lesson One: Find The Right Resources

There was a time, not so long ago, when a newbie author didn't have to worry so much about marketing their book. If they were lucky enough to find a publisher, there was an entire marketing department ready to promote the book for them...shouting it from the roof tops if need be...and many a new author was blissfully unaware of that side of the book business.

Not any more.

The topsy turvy, ever changing in a blink of an eye, world of publishing nowadays means a new author like myself needs to be more aware of how to best promote their own books. I feel fortunate that even a smaller publisher like Anaiah Press will have a publicist assigned to me to help, but it is MY responsibility to lead the parade of showcasing my work.

In the years BSM (Before Social Media), there were tried and true methods of getting the word out on new books. Indie bookstores as well as national chains stepped up to promote their select list of potential best sellers.  Advanced Reader Copies were sent by the publisher to all the major review channels in the hopes of being selected for the spotlight. And then there were the coveted book awards that almost guaranteed book sales would be strong.

My book, THE STORY CATCHER, will arrive in a ASM (After Social Media) world where anyone can call themselves an author, books are being almost instantaneously available through self-publishing arenas, and publishers are now putting the challenge of marketing back on the shoulders of authors who might not be aware of what it takes to promote their own book.

Now that my book's release date is tentatively set for January 20, 2015, I'm not going to wait until the last minute to create a marketing game plan. There are many resources out there to help me and I've included a few below that I have found helpful so far:


1. website has an incredible free Ebook called THE ULTIMATE AUTHOR CHECKLIST FOR ONLINE BOOK MARKETING. This guide is crammed with tips on how to get the best out of an online marketing campaign. It even has a printable checklist.

2. is a free article on the Sourcebooks website. It's full of media, interview, social networking, and Amazon review tips.

3. Beckwith offers a free Ebook with 10 ideas for generating book buzz after your book's release.

4. Penn offers a free Ebook with tons of tips on marketing your book.

5. article with 71 ways to promote and market your book.

6. on learning how to market your book in just one weekend.

7. list of marketing articles for all areas of social media.

8. article on how to enter your book into contests along with links to book awards.

9. article with links on getting book reviews.


1. How To Promote Your Children's Book by Katie Davis
2. Guerrilla Marketing for Writers by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, Michael Larsen & David L Hancock
3. Author 101 Bestselling Book Publicity by Rick Frishman & Robyn Freedman Spizman
4. Writing Children's Books For Dummies by Lisa Roany Buccieri & Peter Economy

There are many more resources out there to help a new author out with marketing ideas. I've started to create a list for my marketing plan and I have been overwhelmed with the kindness shown to me by all the lovely writers out there willing to help me promote my book once it is released.  

I've also just added a NEWSLETTER sign up link on my blog's sidebar for anyone who would like to join my mailing list. I will be putting out a short newsletter three or four times a year where people will get a chance to connect with me through a question & answer segment, get information on free giveaways I will be doing, receive updates about upcoming book signings, and other cool stuff. Just click on the link at add your email to the list so you don't miss out!

In the coming weeks I will be adding to the lessons I'm learning about promoting and marketing my book. I don't claim to be an expert but I'm hoping others will find these posts useful for their own works. That way, we can all learn together. Now if I could just figure out how to do a group hug? ;~)


  1. Great piece, Donna! Another excellent resource is Bookigee's WritersCube. You can sign up for 7 days, a month, or a year. All kinds of great stuff, including a huge database of review sites, libraries, bookstores, etc.

    1. Hi Roxie and welcome to my blog! I checked out that website but didn't see the subscription prices listed anywhere and it only displayed the 1 year option. Where would I go for more information? It won't even let me click on the contact us button until I actually register and the only way to register is to select the 1 year payment plan option. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Oops, forgot to put the link:

  3. So many awesome links! Thanks so much Donna. Teamwork rocks

    1. Hi Catherine! These are ebooks and articles I came across a couple of years ago and filed them away in the hopes I would need them one day and since I know there are other lovely writers out there with limited funds, I thought I would share the love! ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Thank you so much for this Donna. Valuable resources. I will be adding the ones I didn't know about.

    1. Hi Tracey! I'm glad this post was helpful. I will have other "lessons" to share in the coming weeks and even have a guest author's post coming up in the next few weeks as well.

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Excellent advice! I will add this to my Book Marketing Tips for First Time Authors (

    1. Hi Alinka! I just checked out your blog and I'm now following you...great resource for authors!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Good luck on your book! I can't wait to read it! :D

    1. Thanks, Erik! I got your books last Friday and I can't wait to share them with the kids...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
