Monday, February 17, 2014

Once Upon A Snowy Day...

I'm sure many of you all around the country are simply sick at the thought of more snow. Tired of all the shoveling and blowing and scraping and all the other things you do while battling this crazy winter Mother Nature has decided to send our way. Sick AND tired of waiting for the warmer weather to arrive, carrying with it the chance for the world to awaken to a bright new beginning.

Maybe I'm a wee bit wacky, but I liked the snowstorm that blew my way last week. It gave me a chance to catch my breath. A chance to stop the hectic, upside-down, tilt-a-whirl, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, world I usually find myself in and enjoy the silence. I couldn't help but stare in wonder the other day when I woke up to almost 8 inches of snow outside my door. Other than one Christmas vacation in the mountains, I had never seen that much snow in my life and there Mother Nature had laid it at MY door like a beautiful white carpet.

There wasn't a snowflake out of place and I began to wonder which of God's creatures would be the first to make their mark on that blank canvas? And then I thought...this is what it's like just before I begin a new manuscript. All the different parts of my story lurking in the shadows, hesitate to take that first step onto the unbroken surface of page or screen.

But I can't hold the words back forever and the curiosity of the wild life living just beyond my back door can't be corralled forever either. Later that day I see the delicate tracks of a rabbit as it makes it's silent march across my back yard, stopping for a moment at my steps as if trying to decide whether to pay me a visit or not. Inside I have splashed my own mark against a bit of snowy white and leave my own tracks scattered across the page. 

I wish my rabbit friend a welcomed home at the end of its meandering journey. If I'm lucky enough something wondrous will come from my own stumbling to create magic on a snowy day. Maybe it will find a welcomed home of it own. Or just maybe it will be a vision worth sharing with the world...


  1. Beautiful, just beautiful, Donna. Wish it had landed at more door. :) Another very hot day today, more to come. (have to admit to loving our summer) ;)

    1. Hi Diane! Since I'm allergic to the sun, I'll just let you keep the hot summer days in your corner of the world...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Glad that you enjoyed the is really beautiful! Eight inches is perfect, but after our last two storms of 18 and 24 inches, we are a bit weary!

    1. Hi Barbara! I'm sure the pretty snow doesn't stay pretty for long when it hangs around for awhile...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. I love this analogy and am certain to recycle it for myself! Thanks Donna, you really do have a way with words and a positive way of looking at things!

    1. Awwww shucks, Juliana...I don't know what to say...**blushing and scuffing toe of shoe into snow**...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I love the snow. I don't like when a person or vehicle messes up the clean sheet on the ground. But I do love seeing animal tracks in the snow. (And no, I won't grow up!)

    1. That's okay, Janet...I don't plan on ever growing up either so we can both NOT grow up together...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
