Monday, December 16, 2013

Silver And Gold

Raise your hand if you're a fan of Gordon Ramsey? I am. Love to watch the competitors on Master Chef but get a wee bit embarrassed watching Kitchen Nightmares. The reason I like Master Chef is because it reminds me that ANYONE can become successful at something they are passionate about.

It isn't easy. It's a process. A long, sometimes painful one where the bumps in the road can seem like brick walls waiting for someone to run into them. But nothing is indestructible with perseverance being rewarded with Silver and Gold.

As writers we need to remember that during this hectic time of the year. It doesn't matter whether you enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or some other winter celebration...whirlwind activities can easily distract us from our writing endeavors. We may even start to think to ourselves it's okay to settle for Bronze...that reaching for Silver or Gold can wait for some other time.

But who suffers? We may not realize it at the time, but we do. When we settle for less than our very best we subconsciously tell ourselves we aren't worthy, aren't deserving of that coveted Silver or Gold. And we are. We soooo are!

You know who else suffers? The world around us. It deprives others of the next best picture book, the next best novel, the next best piece of art work. You get the picture. How will we ever get the chance to entertain, inspire, and motivate if we decide to stop short of the finish line?

In 2014 I'm challenging myself to a number of goals and I want my lovely readers to help hold me accountable. I might even add a blurb on my blog at the end of each month to give an update of what I was able to cross off that month's list. I might not achieve Silver or Gold every time but at least I will have passionately given my best effort.

Donna's Monthly Writing Goals for  2014

1. Submit one story to critique group by the 1st of every month
2. Submit two stories to RYS by 15th of every month
3. Write new PB first draft
4. Submit monthly research for required writing assignment to third party
5. Write four Motivation Monday posts
6. Write four Book Nook Review posts
7. Write four Tales From The Bayou posts
8. Submit 5-10 query letters to different agents.
9. Add a chapter to Lunadar
10. Do research for nonfiction PBs
11. Critique two stories from critique group by the 15th of every month
12. Create time to read more

I's a huge list but I'm an organized person and determined for this upcoming year to be even more productive than 2013 has been.  And I want to be one step closer to becoming an author.

What are YOUR monthly writing goals for the new year? Are you thinking about reaching for Silver and Gold?


  1. Lofty goals… think I'll join you!

    1. Hi Juliana and welcome to my blog! The more the merrier I always say...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Thanks, Donna. That is a huge list. I'll try for the gold, and join you...I don't know, I'm totally unorganized!

    1. Hi Mona! That's why I bought myself an early Christmas gift and got the Writer's Digest writing calendar planner. Not only does it provide motivating quotes and information about query letters, submissions, also gives me plenty of space to plan out all those monthly goals I need to stick to in the new year...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Hi Donna - that's some list .. but being organised will sure help. I must get more organised in the New Year!? I sincerely hope this time around .. no I'm not keen on Gordon - I did enjoy him at the beginning, but too much and I got turned off. We've just had a Masterchef .. and I enjoyed it - sadly the best guy didn't do the last day too well - so flunked .. but that's life.

    Cheers and good luck for next year .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! Gordon seems like a real person and even though I don't think I could ever actually GO on Master Chef to subject myself to his yelling at me, I definitely get the impression he really cares about the quality of the dishes he prepares. Just like my passion for trying to write the best stories I can...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. You know all of those stories that have been bumping around in my skull for at least 20 years? Well, I plan to write them down and get them out of my head. I also have the entire series of MURDER SHE WROTE books that I want to read again. That should take up my entire year. I'm not thinking Silver or Gold, yet. But I'll take an "Honorable Mention".

    1. Awww, Janet, after al the poetry collaborations we did when we were younger, surely you deserve at least a Bronze? ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
