Monday, October 7, 2013

The Changing Seasons

Here it favorite time of the year. Autumn. Being allergic to the sun and higher temperatures does not make me a huge fan of Summer but I know I have to get through those months before I can sail into cooler weather and welcome the fall with open arms.

Some people look at the dazzling reds, oranges, and yellow on the trees with dread. In their minds Autumn signals the slow death of a summer time dream, leading to the harsh reality of a colder winter. I'm not one of those people and hopefully there are more like me.  I embrace the chilly temperatures these days for they sharpen my senses to the ebb and flow of life going on around me.

Even my writing seems to be changing with the falling leaves these days. My stories are bursting with color and a hint of what lies ahead on these brisk fall mornings. Revisions become like the trees losing their foliage as dying words fall from my tales...leaving only the strong roots and foundation of the story itself as a reminder of what it once was. 

I know when the last leaf has left Autumn behind and I am cozy by a fire, toasting Old Man Winter, I will dream a winter's dream of the coming Spring. I will wait for Mother Nature to breathe life into the trees...just as I will breathe life into those stories lying dormant in my mind as I count down the days until it's Summer once again...


  1. wow, beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. Hi Joss! Thank you for your kind words...did you get a hint about how much I LOVE Autumn? ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Hi Donna,

    Hope you are feeling better. I don't seem to have much luck with your e-mail. I thought I would let you know that the changes to my book will be implemeted in the first week in November. With the second book going to print in December, I have decided to serialise the revised YA edition on my site at The revised story is age appropriate and all profanity and contentious material has been removed for this purpose. I believe my second book to be better in all departments and have decided the message in ADC is more important than sales. As you know the theme of the book I hoped you could point people whom you think it might benefit (particular parents of young teens) so that warning signs may be observed and acted upon before it is too late. There is little change to the opening chapters but I have had to adjust the story later on to suit this purpose. Would appreciate your views.

    1. Hi JP!

      I'm so sorry about the email glitches...I just don't understand what happens when you try to email me...;~(

      I'm about 3/4ths of the way through your book and yes, of course there are moments when I am crying for poor Joel. I thought my own childhood was a trip through hell but nothing compares. I am amazed you came out on the other side with your mind still intact...;~)

      I now have your website bookmarked and hopefully won't lose it again! Are you planning on posting the WHOLE book? Will your publisher have a problem with that?? I can just about image which sections of the book will have to be toned down in order to fit your target audience..good luck!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. I've changed my e-mail to the one supplied with the domain now and it is although the other is still active. I've said before I used to be a little 'woe is me' until I found out what others had been through which is the topic of the sequel. That one will remain adult only. The first book the publishers can go and whistle because I WILL post the revised edition in its entirety and then delete it when the revised edition is published next month. You forget that A Different Class would never have gone to print if it hadn't been for a few ladies with thumb-screws and I would rather give it away if I felt it will enable people to understand their own feelings or those of their children, siblings or friends. There was another recent suicide here due to cyber-bullying and I feel those in charge are not handling the issue correctly.

      I am editing with a certain amount of reluctance though because apart from the obvious issue of bullying which will undergo just minor changes, there was a certain ambiguity about sexuality. I am editing it out but originally it was as much of an issue as the bullying. Adolescence was a time of confusion for Joel and by craving friendship and affection he compromised his morals just to be liked. Of course it was brief respite and caused even more problems but it emphasised how vulnerable young teens can be when in a 'bad place'. It is ridiculous that addressing such issues - even with kid gloves on - means that those who most need this information would not be allowed to read it.

      There has been a lot of interest in the book but people are a little apprehensive as it will no doubt cause a stir in certain quarters, hence the request for it to be toned down. The sequel I do have high hopes for and that will ultimately decide if I really make a go of this writing lark. It doesn't really matter what I plan anyway because for better or worse my fate is already written in the stars. This time next year I hope to open a budget cafe, it is that or I will be eating out of one. I don't think anything can surprise me anymore.

      Ideally by putting the book out there free I can get some feedback from the age-group it most concerns. Anyway I'm blaming this one on you and Janet :P

    3. P.S. I am monopolising your comments here, please feel free to delete them when you have a glance.

    4. Hi again, JP!

      Unfortunately your story covers a number of "touchy" subjects in a world where some people still want to "bubble-wrap" the very kids who are suffering just like Joel and who need just such a book the most! I do agree however some of the descriptions do need a "gentler" touch as a compromise in order to get such a book in the hands of those who need it the most...

      And I will take the blame for this one...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    5. jp, I resemble that remark. Actually, I have only just begun the pushing and needling, and nagging, and the twisting of the screws. So, while in your lovely cafe, keep writing. My bookshelf ain't filling itself, BUD.

  3. You can talk about cozy fires, you've got three fireplaces. I set a fire in my apartment and I go to jail. But I am with you. I force myself not to go insane during the summer just waiting for the fall and winter. I just got this winter's supply of exotic teas Saturday. Now come on, cooler weather...

    1. Lol, Janet...I don't know where YOU'VE been lately but it hasn't been to MY house...which by the way, only has TWO fireplaces...;~)

      You and my son can enjoy your exotic teas...I'll enjoy my simple green tea, thank you!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

    2. Oops, that's right. I guess I was thinking of the two fireplaces in the two adjoining bedrooms in Mother's house. So sue me--see where that'll get you. Holler.

    3. Watch it now...I know where you

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Well said, as always, Donna. I can't say I love fall or winter, but I definitely DO like the clothes better. I'm more a wool, cashmere, suede person than a cotton, linen, pastel person. Neither of these does anything to improve my writing. :)

    1. Hi Genevieve! Years ago when "seasons" were all the rage and women select either cold or warm colors I was a Winter and really only looked good in royal colors...which was okay by me since my mother used to say part of my heritage comes from Canadian "royalty"...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. Lovely autumn post, Donna! Enjoy the season

    1. Hi Catherine! Thank you for your kind words...I'm FINALLY getting over my sinus infection/bronchitis thing I was dealing with so now I can truly enjoy my lovely Autumn...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
