Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's time once again for WRITERLY WISDOM where every Wednesday we will sneak a peek into the world of writing and publication.  I met my next guest blogger this past year when I first came across her blog Turbo Monkey Tales and I've been a fan ever since!   You even get a chance to win a copy of her latest book just by leaving a comment.  Take it away Hazel...

Social Media - Made for Illustrators!
By Hazel Mitchell

I often hear writers say, "Illustrators have it easy on social media". Sorry writers. I guess it is much easier for us to engage with folks instantly - we have all these beautiful illo's we can share, to catch the eye of the viewer and make it easier for us to interact. It IS like the internet was made for us!

Humans love to look at pictures. This world we live in revolves on visual media. Before we read the written word, we are more likely to look at pictures and then have an instant impression of the written content. It's how we learn to communicate from an early age. To read the signs around us.

That's what we do when we read a picture book - flick back and forth between the story and the illustrations. As illustrators we are ALWAYS telling a story.

Luckily the internet is geared towards posting pictures.

FACEBOOK - probably the biggest arena for social networking. It's a reality that posting a picture with a short description will get you more 'shows' on the newsfeed of your personal/business page. And don't forget the wonderful TIMELINE BANNER. A great way to showcase your work FREE. Here's the thing ... don't just stick your book covers on Facebook, with a link to buy. (Only do that OCCASIONALLY!!) Share interesting stuff that your contacts can connect with. Sketches you did in your spare time, process, photos, research as well as full blown finished pieces.  Be a REAL person and people will look forward to your posts. Reply to poeple who are kind enough to make a comment. It's rude not to.

TWITTER - now lets you post photos and many more opps to display your art. As with Facebook, make your posts interesting, not hard sell. I try to reply to tweets ... if it's too much, slow down on posting.

LINKED IN - you can now link and post photos here, as well as join groups and share work.

PINTEREST - has to be one of the most visual spaces on the internet these days and growing. Share images with friends, keep boards of your work and subjects you are interested in.

YOUTUBE - Video is even more interesting - if it moves, we are more likely to spend time watching. Try your hand at making a video. Even with a webcam or slideshow you can achieve alot. Could be your process, a look at your studio, a book trailer, your portfolio! Be creative. Check into Webinair if you want to run interactive sessions or work shops.

INSTAGRAM - Online photo sharing/editing with great sharing abilities!

FLICKR - Cool place to store your images, share with other people and create galleries.

ETSY - sell prints and signed books here.

MAIL CHIMP (and other mail services) - keep in touch with a newsletter and illo's.

There are other places to post your images: Google+, Myspace, Illustration Friday, Illustration Mundo, Behance, and any number of portfolio sites.

As an illustrator you will certainly need a website. If you're starting out, this is going to mainly be a showcase for your illustrations. You'll direct people there from any promo information (physical and online). If you are published it will begin to morph into a place where people can see your books, find out about your visit schedule and news, maybe a place to sell prints.

These days a blog is sometimes used in place as a website - and is often FREE. A plus for sure! See Wordpress, Tumbler, Blogspot to name a few.

Blogging is still a great way to connect with people. If you are posting an image on line you might want to link back to your blog post and enlarge on the process you use, or give more detail about the image.

RULE ONE - Make sure that in some way or other anything you post on line links back to a blog, a website or information that ensures the viewer can discover more about your work.

RULE TWO - Make use of any tags and metatags available to you when posting images.

RULE THREE - Your job is to make great illustration and story. Social networking is part of your marketing strategy. That most of it is FREE is a bonus. WORK SMART!

RULE FOUR - If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. It's not a requirement.
So. How can you make the most of the opportunities available? And why? If you are a new illustrator then your reason for posting may be to get your work out there. The more places people can find you - the more likely you are to be found. What you are doing here is also playing the search engines. The more times your name appears online the more pages will fill up when people search for you. Simple, right? It's about building a presence online. If you're a seasoned professional, you want to be more visible and bring your books and work to a larger audience, to let people know about your appearances and visits. Decide what information you want to put across and who you're targeting. Are you looking to build connections with the children's book industry or with readers, or both?

There's a lot you can do. Maybe you will just choose to do one part of social networking well and that will be your focus. That's great! With so many ways to connect with the world, one of them is sure to float your boat.

It's not for everyone. My own experience is that as well as getting my work into the professional arena, I have learned so much from fellow illustrators and writers. I have found opportunities and workshops that would otherwise have passed me by, and at times talking to likeminded people has proved indispensible in an otherwise isolated profession. Remember - give something back.

RULE FIVE - Embrace the good in social media!

RULE SIX - None of this is compulsory!

My latest book '1, 2, 3 by the Sea' by Dianne Moritz, is published Mar 1 by Kane Miller. Leave a comment on this blog post and be in the draw to win a free copy!

Many thanks and see you online!


Hazel Mitchell is an award-winning children's illustrator. Originally from England, she now lives in Maine, USA.  She still misses fish and chips and mushy peas, (but is learning to love lobster). She has two dogs, two horses, a cat and several snow shovels.

If you'd like to talk to say 'hi' please email me

Publishing clients include Charlesbridge, Makinac Island Press, ABDO, Kane and Miller, Freespirit, Beacon Publishing, Reading A-Z and SCBWI.

tweet me @thewackybrit


  1. That's one great handy list for illustrators, Hazel! Lovely!

    1. Hi Richa! I'm glad you liked this post...I'm not an illustrator but quite enjoyed this one!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Hazel -
    I'm in awe. You remain so 'au courant' on the social media front while still creating breathtaking, clever and witty illustrations. I suspect you thrive on very little sleep! I look forward to saying hello at NESCBWI in May.
    - Cathy

    1. Thank you Cathy ... oh I need my sleep these days ... Hurrah! See you in May and thanks for commenting.

    2. Hi Cathy and welcome to my blog! Hazel is pretty amazing, isn't she? ;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. Thanks Brook :-) - learning all the time.

  4. Thanks for the great list. I've never heard of Webinair before, I will have to check it out.

    1. Hi Julia and welcome to my blog! I visited your website...lovely illustrations...cute piggies...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I like Rule 6 the best! The illustrations in 1 - 2 - 3 ..... By the Sea are so light hearted and fun! I would love this book for my great granddaughter who is due to arrive in April.

    1. I knew there was a rule for everyone. Congrats on your new grandbaby!

    2. Hi Heather and welcome to my blog! Congratulations on the upcoming new addition and good luck with the contest!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Erik! With all the talent you possess, is there a hidden illustrator hiding in there somewhere? :~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. What a wonderful, comprehensive post--both affirming and enlightenting! Thank you!

    1. Hi Elizabeth! I'm glad you enjoyed Hazel's post and thanks for becoming my latest follower!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  8. As you listed all the many, many, MANY opportunities for social media interaction, I thought "How does one keep up with it all?" Thank you for answering that for me, that none of it is compulsory, and that some things work better for some than for others. I am on Twitter, for example, but rarely am "on" Twitter, if that makes sense. I sometimes wonder if I should just stop trying to do Twitter, but...

    Your new book looks delightful! (No surprise to me there!) However, since I've already won a book from you (Hidden New Jersey), it doesn't seem fair to enter my name for this one.

    1. Too late ... you are entered. I am on Twitter, but rarely chat on there. Just a presence and my posts go to there from Facebook.

    2. Hi Beth! I'm not extremely active on Twitter and yet almost every day I get a new follower...go

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Envy you your talent. My mother was an artist, very talented, but one day she just quit. I still don't know why. I could never just quit writing.

    I see the sense and wisdom of you post, though, good advice!

    1. Sorry about your mother Yolande ... I can't imagine not wanting to create. but I guess it happens. Glad you enjoyed!

    2. Hi Yolanda! I'm sorry to hear your mother felt the need to stop creating, but hopefully you have some of her work as a reminder?

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  10. Hi Brook! I love this post...I wasn't aware of some of these sites so I will have to check them out...

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  11. Lol...thanks, Brook, for your kind words. I try1

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
