
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's A Mystery To Me

There are times when I have such a moment of clarity to my stories.  When characters and plot and writer voice come together for one beautiful creation of pen on paper...or keystroke to computer screen as the case may be.  Then there are times when my writing is a complete mystery to me.  When I look at my characters like they have dropped in from outer space and speak a different language.  When my plot unravels almost before I can begin and my writer's voice comes out with a croak when I try to write something down.  Do you ever feel like that?

It's a mystery to me how some authors manage to pull that rabbit out of a hat.  To make their words dance upon the page like a ballet.  To have a writers voice so pure and melodious it brings tears to one's eyes.  Just how do they do it?

Then I realize it's really all about me.  My growth as a writer.  My skills as a story teller.  And the more I write, the more I will discover the mysteries inside which make me the writer I am.  It will take time as I slowly figure out the publishing industry.  It will take patience as I work to perfect my craft.  I might even have to remind myself every once in a while that I write for a reason.  A reason that is just as important as any other.  And then I will know one more thing about myself...


  1. There's no substitute for experience - just that gritty sitting there and doing it. Good insight.

    1. Thanks, Genevieve. My only "regret" in returning to my writing is that I don't have enough time to work on everything I need to work on...;0(

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. I don't get it either and that is exactly why I never believed I could write. I have always believed authors to be hugely talented people.

    Okay I might be able to relate a series of events but it is cheating. There is no construction of a plot and the proverbial beginning - middle - end stories need.

    The only time I create is when I ramble or rant and then the words seem to pick themselves. You and fellow writers have a creativity which I would imagine is a mood thing from what I have heard of this 'writer's block'.

    You have blogged everyday since I have been following your blog and may be getting a bit stale but creativity is something you either have or you don't. You do and any problems you encounter I'm sure will be temporary.

    Recharge your batteries and you will come back twice as strong. I have faith you will be successful.

    1. Hi JP! I have learned so much about myself over the past year and a half...and I have grown so much as a writer. I think I am too "new" of a writer to have writer's block because I have lots of ideas...just not enough time to work on it

      I respectfully disagree with your assessment of your writing talents. Your Boyhood story does have a begginning, middle, and an end. There is a development of the main characters and tension of storyline...basically all the core ingredients of a good story. Nothing is perfectly written the first time, but everything can be perfected and that is what you are doing in your revisions so please don't think you aren't a writer, because you are...;~)

      As far as my blog is concerned...I enjoy my daily posts and my blog's stats seem to indicate that other people like them as well. I have experimented with a couple of different things over the summer and while some things seem to work, others do not so I am continuing to improve the content of my blog and hope soon to hit on a perfected mix most of my readers will enjoy.

      Some of my blog posts may not necessarily be indicative of what I am experiencing at that particular moment, but possibly a scenario that ANY writer may experience during their career and my opinion on how I would handle the situation. Right now I am insanely happy with my writing life and focussed on my current challenge of trying to complete Lunadar. Will it happen? I don't know. Will the agent still be interested when I finish it? Maybe. Will I continue to grow simply by participating in the whole writing and revision process? ABSOLUTELY! So no matter what MY's a win/win for me!

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, Janet, what I said to JP! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. I get odd days like that - everything just fits so perfectly. And then the next day I can barely put a sentence together. My Muse likes to toy with me :-)

    1. Yep, Annalisa...I bet A LOT of writers feel like that sometimes...

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. I think the pure and melodious voices (unless you're...Shakespeare maybe?) are only created by hard work and perseverance, no matter how effortless the end result seems. Sounds like you are willing to commit to your writing and work at it until it's perfect, so I think that you must be on the way to having a pure and melodious voice - if not there already.

    1. Hi Chiara and welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words but I have far to go before my writer's voice is either pure or melodious...but I AM committed to working hard...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
