
Friday, July 20, 2012

A Labor Of Love

Fifty seven and a half hours.  That's how long my own little labor of love lasted before my son came into this world almost 24 years ago.  It really didn't matter if I wanted to quicken the journey.  He was arriving in his own sweet time and I could either live in the moment or fight it every step of the way.  As much as I might have wanted to be in control, I wasn't and I simply needed to trust that what I began nine months earlier would turn out right in the end.

Writing is sometimes like that.  I begin with an idea and I spend countless hours nurturing it.  Feeding it with my imagination until I begin to see it's growth.  Sometimes days, sometimes months later my labor of love bears fruit and I have a completed story. 

I'm currently working on a labor of love which might take me into the holidays and beyond.  Lunadar: Homeward Bound started out as a spark when I came across a mesmerizing picture on the internet.  I jotted down a few sentences to describe what I was seeing.  Then it turned into a daydream which turned into a few paragraphs and now it has blossomed into a young adult novel I am trying to finish. 

But there are times when the labor pains are strong and I have to take a moment to breathe. I have to exercise patience.  The potential birth of this novel drives me forward and I seek to control my world. Sometimes I just have to remember that I'm not the one in characters are coming to life on their own and they are the ones who whisper in my ear.  All I just need to do is write their story down.

Scheduling time on the computer however is sometimes a problem...


  1. So true. Just like with kids (and pets), there's a need for patience ALL along the way - from the seed of an idea to seeing your work in print, and for all the steps in between - patience....

    ...and cats on the computer are unacceptable. Blogging dogs are bad enough!!

    1. HA HA HA! Poor cats... ;)

    2. Hahaha, Genevieve...I'm sure you have your hands full with Cupcake...;~)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  2. Maybe you should get the cat her own computer?
    It's always a challenge, but the story always calls you back.
    Write now, feel regrets later.

    1. Hi Mary and welcome to my blog! I like that saying..."write now, feel regrets later"...mind if I keep it? ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  3. So true! The moments I love are the ones where the writing flows and practically seems to write itself - you get caught up in what you're doing an literally hours can go by without you noticing. So preferable to the word by painful word slogging which seems to make up 90% of writing time :) P.S. Those cats are going to have to learn to share and take turns :)

    1. Hi Susanna! If I didn't love my cat, Tommy, so much I would be tempted to ban him from my lap when I type! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  4. Love the cats on computers pics! Great topic. I got an idea for a book from some LEGOs I am playing with! ;)

    1. Hi Erik! Aren't those the best pictures? ;0) Way to go on the new book idea!

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  5. If the cats are too much of a problem perhaps you should get rid of the mouse.

    1. Ahahahaha...too funny, JP! ;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  6. I remember those hours of labor before your son was born. I am still here cheering you on with this new labor. Breathe! Don't push.

    1. Lol, Janet, I'll try to remember that...except when it comes time to push my "baby" out into the world and see where it lands...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  7. The cat pics are cute. : )

  8. Hi Susanne! I thought so too. Right now I have one lying across my lap with his paws around one of my thumbs so it is really interesting to try and type right now...;0)

    Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!

  9. Hi Donna .. could analogy .. it's all in its/our good time - when things happen .. but life will carry on ... congratulations on the healthy son who is around 24 years later ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! Yes, I've certainly seen my ups and downs but things are generally good now and the labor pains not so hard...;0)

      Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
